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发布时间:2018-12-10 14:33
[Abstract]:The Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China not only pointed out the road of liberation for the Chinese people, but also contributed the theoretical weapon to the liberation of the oriental nation. In Japan, the Korean revolutionaries participated in the Seventh National Congress, together with the reading of documents and the study of the Party School, which not only deepened their understanding of the Chinese revolutionary road, but also designed the revolutionary road of their own country and promoted the international dissemination of Sinicized Marxism. At the same time, the spread of ideas also enhanced their friendship with the Chinese revolutionaries and won more friends for the Chinese people. Today, the Communist Party of China should actively use its rich cadre education resources, help developing countries train cadres, strengthen the construction of international communication channels, and tell good stories about China.
【作者单位】: 中国延安干部学院教学科研部;


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