[Abstract]:At present, the study of the history of the Communist Party of China mainly follows two paradigm: the study of revolutionary history and the study of national history. The paradigm of revolutionary history research is limited by specific ethical judgment and separates the historical continuity of the Communist Party of China from the previous era, while the paradigm of national history research deviates from the discipline stipulation with the Communist Party of China as the central issue. Therefore, in the study of the history of the Communist Party of China, it is necessary to carry out a transformation from the perspective of methodology. The paradigm of political modernization helps to break through the limitations of revolutionary history research paradigm and national history research paradigm. On the one hand, the paradigm of political modernization takes the Communist Party of China as the main research topic, which reverses the trend of "topic deviation" in the current paradigm of national history research; on the other hand, it closely combines the history of the Communist Party of China with the process of political modernization to make up for the deficiency of the traditional revolutionary historical paradigm in neglecting political ecology and based on value judgment. There are three problems to be paid attention to in the paradigm of political modernization: first, the paradigm of political modernization is the unity of "politics" and "history"; second, the paradigm of political modernization is the sublation of the traditional paradigm of the study of the history of the Communist Party of China; and third, the paradigm of political modernization is to study the history of the Communist Party of China from the perspective of political ecosystem.
【作者单位】: 福建师范大学马克思主义学院;
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