[Abstract]:According to the practice of party leading revolution, construction and reform, the leading system of discipline inspection work of the CPC has been divided into two types: "parallel system of party committee and two committees of discipline inspection committee", "single leadership system of party committee" and "double leadership system of party committee and discipline committee". The development and change of the system is divided into two historical stages with circular nature, and the "double leadership system of party committee and discipline committee" is finally adopted in each historical stage. It shows that this current leadership system is objectively conducive to safeguarding the centralization and unity of the Party, and is also conducive to ensuring the smooth development of the Party's discipline inspection work, which is realistic and reasonable. For the limitations of its objective existence, such as the relative independence of discipline inspection institutions is not enough, we should perfect the discipline inspection institutions by strengthening the functions of discipline inspection institutions, strengthening the stationing system, inspection system and so on, in accordance with the spirit of the reform of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学马克思主义学院;
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