电子商务环境下伦理问题及对策探讨 Ethical issues and Countermeasures in e-commerce environment
作者:韩伟伟 作者本人请参看权利申明
In recent years, along with the network technology is increasingly perfect and collected to pay the ceaseless progress of safety, electronic commerce obtained rapid growth. Because e-commerce business on both sides of diligence and the transaction cost, it in the market business total accounted for than also rise ceaselessly, influence and change the traditional business form. But because of the characteristics in Internet technology and e-commerce of agile development process itself, resulting in the trading volume increases and the benefits driven, and matching with the judicial standard and the moral and ethical standards also has not been perfect, lead to a series of new e-commerce ethical issues. The important discusses the electronic commerce emerged in the ethical issues from the following aspects: first and foremost, to collect information level collection of ethical issues announced, contain spurious product information is full of markets, waste product advertisement information many two aspects; secondly, e-commerce business skills level collection of ethical issues, object to pay the security problems and logistics and distribution problems. Initially, incurred the e-commerce business form in information PI perverted and defect information collected ethics results. These results in the process of the business process of the electronic commerce, the idea that the emotional economic person seeks the benefit, and has the characteristics of its own cost and profit comparison. The author thinks and stressed that, as long as the subject of the electronic commerce business forms business benefit idea, cost - benefit compare features and stop thinking deeply about, the ability to better grasp the mechanism of its occurrence and to put forward countermeasures and suggestions. This paper through the basic assumptions and basic framework for the analysis of the actual description, provide a basic logic analysis, object and research approach; the second part of the article discusses the four major types of business form definition of e-commerce and e-commerce, stop the definition of e-commerce ethics, and its characteristics are described; the the third sector and the fourth sector to e-commerce features, explains the reasons of economics ethics problem of e-commerce type collection case and they occur; this article originally collected from e-commerce business skills, system and policy, the new moral ethics in three aspects as performance measures. The innovation points of the article is that the supply of dichotomy between traditional economic business action and the moral and ethical actions with a humanitarian basic analysis of objects with the same in order to two classified into a logically consistent framework.
摘要4-5ABSTRACT5-61.引言9-15 1.1 选题的背景和意义9 1.2 研究理论基础与基本假设9-13 1.2.1 理论基础9-12 1.2.2 基本假设与基本分析工具12-13 1.3 研究目标、方法与内容13-14 1.4 创新点14-152.电子商务交易模式概述15-21 2.1 电子商务定义与电子商务交易模式15-16 2.1.1 电子商务定义15 2.1.2 电子商务交易模式类型15-16 2.2 新交易模式的技术意义16-19 2.2.1 电子商务交易模式的发展现状16-18 2.2.2 新交易模式的技术意义18-19 2.3 电子商务伦理概述19-21 2.3.1 电子商务伦理定义19 2.3.2 电子商务伦理的主要特性19-213.电子商务交易模式下的新伦理问题21-26 3.1 网络信息发布层面的伦理问题21-22 3.1.1 虚假商品信息充斥市场21 3.1.2 垃圾广告商品信息泛滥21-22 3.2. 电子商务交易层面的伦理问题22-23 3.2.1 支付工具的安全性问题22-23 3.2.2 物流配送问题23 3.3 网络人际交往层面的伦理问题23-26 3.3.1 信息不对称导致的道德风险与逆向选择23-24 3.3.2 消费者隐私安全受到侵犯24-25 3.3.3 商家知识产权缺乏保护25-264.电子商务伦理问题产生的根源26-32 4.1 网络自身的结构缺陷是构成电子商务伦理问题的技术根源26-28 4.1.1 网络技术存在安全漏洞26 4.1.2 现有技术保护功能具有局限性26-27 4.1.3 网络社会的虚拟性使得伦理道德约束弱化27-28 4.2 立法滞后和制度欠缺是构成电子商务伦理问题的制度根源28-29 4.2.1 垄断与权利造成的租金致使寻租泛滥28 4.2.2 电子商务立法的滞后28-29 4.2.3 电子商务认证服务监管体系不完善29 4.3 网络主体价值观念的误区是构成电子商务伦理问题的文化根源29-32 4.3.1 市场化改革的单兵突进致使传统诚信观念的断裂29-30 4.3.2 中国传统观念中契约精神的缺失加剧了世俗化过程中的机会主义行为30 4.3.3 信息不对称致使道德风险与逆向选择蔓延30-325.解决电子商务伦理问题的对策思考32-38 5.1 完善电子商务中的科技保护手段32-33 5.1.1 加大国家对技术层面的宏观调控32 5.1.2 加强对技术安全的研究力度32-33 5.2 完善电子商务交易制度和政策33-36 5.2.1 建立商业体系第三方信用服务机构33-34 5.2.2 建立商户和消费者信用档案34 5.2.3 完善电子商务法律法规建设34-35 5.2.4 完善物流体系建设35-36 5.3 引导形成网络时代新伦理道德36-38 5.3.1 批判的继承中国传统文化36 5.3.2 强化社会舆论的道德评价36-37 5.3.3 加强对网络道德主体的教育37-386.结语38-39参考文献39-41附录:研究生学习期间发表论文41-42致谢42-43