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发布时间:2016-10-18 05:22


摘要 我们可以从批判性地解析现代化理论对于传统与现代关系的狭隘理解入手,建立和分析传统与现代的三种模式或模型。在全球化和弘扬中华文明的交叉背景之下重新审视和思考传统与现代化的关系,把传统与现代化有机结合起来,论证真实的现代化既不是对传统的简单复归也不是对传统的完全排斥。全面理解的现代化必须以传统为基础同时又超越传统:既继承传统也改造传统;这样的现代化既是地方的也是全球的。把传统与现代化辩证地联系在一起,将为我们思考和解决现代问题提供有效的路径,也为儒家传统的再现代化和中华文明复兴提供理论依据和实践途径。

Abstract:The main purpose of this article is to rethink about the relationship between tradition and modernization. Its argument starts with a critical analysis of the narrower understanding of the relationship between tradition and modernization proposed by the “modernization theory”. Then it proceeds to examine and establish the three models of the relationship between tradition and modernity, refuting both the historical nihilism that takes modernity as the means to negate tradition and the value conservatism that rejects modernity in the name of revising tradition. In the process of combining tradition with modernization organically, this article argues that true modernization is neither simply returning to tradition nor completely abandoning tradition. True modernization must not only take root in tradition, but also transcend tradition. It is both the continuity and the transformation of tradition. It is both local and global. This kind of dialectic relationship generates a powerful link between tradition and modernization, and provides an effective pathway for our rethinking about and resolving modern problems. It will also provide a theoretical foundation for the re-modernization of the Confucian tradition.

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