本文选题:苏南 + 城市建设 ; 参考:《南京林业大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:苏南城市地处我国长三角经济腹地,一直以来都是我国经济发展较为显著的地区之一。苏南城市地域优势突出、生态资源丰富,但是在长期的城市开发建设进程中,经济发展未能做到与生态环境保护同步,生态环境资源受到严重损失。从目前解决苏南城市中生态环境问题的实践来看,更多的是采取技术层面的手段,而鲜有哲学社会科学层面的反思与认识。将现有环境伦理学科的理论成果纳入苏南城市建设研究的视域,能够增强现阶段苏南城市建设中人文层面的价值性和倡导性,促进苏南城市建设的环境德性提升。 本文从环境伦理学的视角,通过调查目前苏南城市建设与研究的现状,围绕苏南城市建设的诸多方面,结合环境伦理学的理论特点,采取文献查阅和调查研究相结合的研究方法,分析苏南城市建设中存在的环境伦理问题及其深层次原因。在此基础上,提出解决苏南城市建设中环境伦理问题的实践原则和解决策略。 通过分析不难发现,当前苏南城市建设中存在的环境伦理问题主要体现为:规划过程中缺乏环境伦理关怀,实施过程中缺乏环境伦理约束,管理过程中缺乏环境伦理规范。问题的原因主要在于城市建设的利益观出现误差,环境伦理教育不够重视,环境问责机制不健全等。在解决问题的措施上,,可通过加强环境伦理教育、完善问责制度、创新生产生活方式和更好地实践环境伦理要求四个方面入手,以期建成有苏南特色的生态文明城市,实现苏南城市的绿色、永续发展。
[Abstract]:Southern Jiangsu is located in the economic hinterland of Yangtze River Delta. Southern Jiangsu city has outstanding regional advantages and abundant ecological resources, but in the long-term process of urban development and construction, the economic development has not been synchronized with the ecological environment protection, and the ecological environment resources have suffered serious losses. From the current practice of solving the ecological environment problems in the cities of southern Jiangsu Province, more technical measures are adopted, but there is little reflection and understanding on the level of philosophy and social science. Bringing the theoretical achievements of environmental ethics into the perspective of the study of urban construction in southern Jiangsu can enhance the value and advocacy of the humanistic level in the urban construction of southern Jiangsu at present, and promote the environmental morality of urban construction in southern Jiangsu. From the perspective of environmental ethics, this paper, by investigating the present situation of urban construction and research in southern Jiangsu, combines the theoretical characteristics of environmental ethics with many aspects of urban construction in southern Jiangsu. Based on the methods of literature reference and investigation, the paper analyzes the environmental ethics problems in the urban construction of southern Jiangsu and their deep reasons. On this basis, the paper puts forward the practical principles and strategies to solve the environmental ethics problems in the urban construction of southern Jiangsu. Through the analysis, it is not difficult to find that the current environmental ethics problems in the urban construction of southern Jiangsu are mainly reflected in the lack of environmental ethics care in the planning process, the lack of environmental ethical constraints in the implementation process, and the lack of environmental ethical norms in the management process. The main causes of the problems lie in the error of the benefit view of urban construction, the insufficient attention to the environmental ethics education, the unsound environmental accountability mechanism and so on. In solving the problem, we can start with the following four aspects: strengthening the education of environmental ethics, perfecting the system of accountability, innovating the way of production and life, and better practicing the requirements of environmental ethics, in order to build a city of ecological civilization with the characteristics of southern Jiangsu. Realize the city of southern Jiangsu green, sustainable development.
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