[Abstract]:On the basis of reflection and criticism of Qin malpractices by politicians such as Lu Jia and Jia Yi in the early Han Dynasty, the Western Han Dynasty, which inherited the Qin Dynasty, opposed to the imperial power political model with "Wei de" as the core of the Qin Dynasty, and strongly advocated that the law should first be holy and still virtuous. Shi benevolent politics and other governing ideas, and on the basis of advocating "filial piety", respected filial piety. The filial piety is not a simple return to the Confucianism of the pre-Qin Dynasty and the study of the etiquette of the Western Zhou Dynasty. In fact, the so-called Han Dynasty inherited the Qin Dynasty only in form. At the level of core values related to the foundation of Qin and Han dynasties, Qin's "Wei de" and Han's "filial piety" were quite different.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学中国史博士后流动站;福建师范大学社会历史学院;
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