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发布时间:2018-09-08 14:02
[Abstract]:Justice is the most basic virtue and value ideal in human society. However, women, an important group of human society divided by sex, have long been excluded from the scope of the discourse of justice. Injustice to women is widespread, and they may be prohibited from participating in the public affairs of society. They have been imprisoned in the private sphere of the family for a long time, or ruled under the patriarchal cultural hegemony of the inferiority of men and women, and these unjust treatment have aroused strong protests from feminists. To urge feminists to strive for gender justice as the goal of the practical movement and theoretical construction. In the process of striving for the equality and liberation of women, Western feminism raised three remarkable waves. Along with the three waves, the contents and demands of the western feminist view of justice have evolved constantly, from the pursuit of equal rights in the political field to the cultural hegemony calling for the overthrow of patriarchy, to the transformation of the mode of production, and finally to the all-embracing. Try to construct a kind of "pluralistic" view of justice. Throughout the evolution of feminist view of justice, feminism combines standpoint theory, empiricism and gender psychological analysis to probe into the root of gender injustice and the way to realize gender justice, which expands the new thinking of the research of justice theory. The new method enriches the connotation of the theory of justice, highlights the position and value of women in the development of society, and discusses the comparative study of Marxist and feminist views of justice through mainstream justice. Excavating the relationship between inheritance and criticism, conflict and fusion, which provides a theoretical source for the research and construction of Chinese feminist view of justice, and promotes Chinese feminists to absorb the western advanced theoretical research. In combination with the special context of Chinese region, we constantly explore the relationship between Chinese traditional ideology and culture and feminism, and construct a theoretical system of feminist justice with Chinese characteristics which is suitable for solving the reality of China. This paper explores an effective way to construct a harmonious socialist society based on gender harmony under the socialist market economy.


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