[Abstract]:Environmental justice began in the United States, and then aroused widespread concern and response in the world. Environmental justice is an important content in environmental ethics. After Rawls' Theory of Justice was published in 1971, environmentalists and environmental jurists put forward a series of concepts on environmental justice, such as inter-species justice, intra-generational justice, environmental rights, green justice and so on. Starting from "justice", this paper further extends the concept of "environmental justice", and makes a profound exposition and explanation of Rawls' Theory of Justice. Intergenerational justice and intergenerational justice are three aspects to discuss the contemporary predicament of environmental problems. The contemporary dilemma of environmental justice is mainly manifested in the conflicts between developed and developing countries on environmental justice, regional environmental injustice, how future generations and previous generations balance the allocation of resources, and the problems that animals' rights and interests cannot be guaranteed, and so on. Suggestions and suggestions for solving the problem are also put forward in theory and practice. In the end, it is found that the problems of environmental justice between generations, intergenerational environmental justice and inter-species environmental justice can be transformed into the distribution of benefits and the recognition of human rights among the current generations. Morally, people should fully respect nature, respect the human rights of people of color or poor areas, and oppose environmental discrimination. In the law, improve animal protection mechanism, resist international environmental inequality treaty. At the end of this paper, the author ends with the explanation of environmental justice from the Marxist view of ecology: ecological Marxism holds that only the ecological environmental problems and social equity issues should be considered together. Only by attaching importance to and solving the unfair economic and environmental problems related to capitalist mode of production can ecological development be possible.
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