发布时间:2018-01-02 13:19
本文关键词:近年来我国劳动者群体性维权事件的典型案例研究 出处:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 劳资关系 劳动者群体性维权事件 罢工 新制度经济学
【摘要】:2010年以来,中国劳资关系进入了劳资冲突高发期和深层次矛盾凸显期的转型阶段,正是从这一年开始,劳动者更为频繁的进行集体性维权行动,全国各地几乎每天都重复上演着惊心动魄的此类事件,某些企业中的劳动者甚至用生命演绎着劳资矛盾的激化。 劳动者群体性维权事件的发生不仅影响着微观层面的劳动者和企业,还影响着中观层面的产业结构,乃至影响着宏观层次的整个社会:劳动者的直接利益遭受严重的损失;企业的健康发展和社会形象受到威胁;产业结构的升级和转移受到考验;整个经济社会的和谐与发展受到阻碍。因此,对劳动者群体性维权事件的研究无疑具有时代和现实的紧迫性,对实现劳动者体面劳动、维护企业的社会形象和健康发展、促进产业的顺利升级和转移、构建和谐社会以及推动中国经济长期稳定的发展具有重要的现实意义。 面对在短短数十年间积聚的如此复杂的劳资关系,加之现阶段我国缺乏有效的劳资矛盾调节机制,无论是资方、劳方还是政府部门,目前都不具备充分的适应能力。因此本研究对如何化解和预防劳动者群体性维权事件的发生,充实和深化劳资矛盾的调节机制,并进一步推动学术界、政府和企业的关注,最终构建和谐劳资关系乃至和谐社会具有重要的理论意义。 随着此类事件的频繁爆发,国内学者对劳动者集体性维权事件研究的热度也随之见长,但是大部分学者都是从定性分析或单案例研究的方法来分析事件发生的原因、过程和结果等,很少有学者通过网络方式搜集案例的方式进行定量和多案例分析,本文正是通过这种方式收集到430例案例,并通过整理分类,归纳出此类事件的总体状况、特征以及诱发原因。并且,在对该类事件的原因分析上,我国尚未有学者从新制度经济学的视角进行解释,本文试图从这一视角出发,分析现有制度环境下劳资双方的行为。 本文共分为六章,具体章节的内容如下: 第一章是绪论。首先分析了我国劳动者维权事件发生的背景及研究意义,并界定了与本文密切相关的两个概念:劳资关系和劳动者群体性维权事件。在研究方法上,本文主要采用文献研究法、案例研究法以及比较分析法。 第二章为国内外文献评述。国外在此问题上的研究起步较早,目前已经形成较为系统的理论,例如马克斯的工业资本主义理论、韦伯夫妇的产业民主理论以及康芒斯的集体行动理论等。对各行各业的罢工问题进行实证研究是国外近几年的主要研究趋势,此外还有部分国外学者对我国目前的罢工问题进行研究。国内的研究起步较晚,研究大都杂且不精,目前仍处于探索阶段,尚缺乏全面系统的研究,在实证研究领域几乎为零。 第三章为劳动者群体性维权事件的总体状况分析。本文的数据来源于网络和报纸,在有限的资源范围内共搜集到2011至2012年所发生的430例劳动者群体性维权事件。通过对430例事件的整理,依次把这些事件按照用人单位的产权性质、所处的行业、维权形式、地域分布以及参与人数进行分类分析,并总结出这类事件的几点重要特征。 第四章为诱因分析。首先通过整理归类把诱发劳动者群体性维权事件的原因(简称诱因)分为9类。然后再重点对这9类中的前两大诱因进行详细的描述,其中工资及福利是首要诱因,对其又具体细分为12小类;作为第二大诱因的经济补偿又具体细分为7小类。最后,在此划分的基础上,又详细分析了主要三个不同产权性质企业(私营企业、外资企业和国有企业)的诱发原因以及四个主要行业(制造业、教育业、水利业以及交通运输、仓储和邮政业)的诱发原因。 第五章是本文的核心,即从新制度经济学的视角分析劳动者群体性维权事件发生的原因。首先分析了该事件发生的制度背景,并提出宏观制度背景下的劳资力量对比图。本文的重点是利用新制度经济学的相关理论解释为何劳动者不采取常规性的维权渠道而是采取对抗性的方式维权,以及为何资方违法行为屡屡出现、屡屡不止?通过分析得出在现有制度环境下违法的预期收益大于成本以及寻租和设租空间的高收益性致使具有机会主义倾向的资方选择侵害劳动者的合法利益;体制外诉求的比较成本较小是劳动者采取集体行动的理性选择。最后一节分析导致上述非常规情况出现的劳资关系制度性因素。 第六章为对策建议。本章结合第五章的内容,从劳资政三方分别提出预防劳动者群体性维权事件的对策建议。
[Abstract]:Since 2010 , China ' s labor - capital relationship has entered the transition stage of the high - wage period and the deep - level conflict of labor - capital conflict . It is from the beginning of the year that workers are more frequently engaged in collective action , and such events are repeated almost every day throughout the country , and workers in some enterprises even use life to deduce the conflict of labor . There is no doubt that the occurrence of the mass rights of workers affects not only the workers and enterprises at the micro level but also the industrial structure at the level of meso - view and even the whole society at the macro - level : the direct interest of the workers is threatened ; the promotion and transfer of the industrial structure is hindered . Therefore , the study of the social image and the healthy development of the industrial structure , the promotion of the smooth upgrading and transfer of the industry , the construction of a harmonious society and the promotion of the long - term stability of the Chinese economy have important practical significance . In the face of such complex labor relations accumulated in the short decades , there is a lack of effective labor - capital contradiction adjustment mechanism in our country at this stage , whether the capital , the employer or the government department are not fully adaptable . Therefore , the present study is of great theoretical significance to how to dissolve and prevent the occurrence , enrichment and deepening of the labor - capital contradiction , and further promote the attention of the academic community , the government and the enterprise , and finally construct the harmonious labor relations and the harmonious society . With the frequent outbreak of such incidents , the enthusiasm of domestic scholars in the study of collective rights of workers has been long , but most scholars have analyzed the causes , processes and results of the incident from qualitative analysis or single case study . This article is divided into six chapters , the contents of which are as follows : The first chapter is the introduction . Firstly , the background and significance of the occurrence of the rights of workers in China are analyzed , and the two concepts closely related to this article are defined : the relationship between the labor and the workers ' group . The research method is mainly used in the literature research method , case study method and comparative analysis method . The second chapter is a review of the domestic and foreign literature . The research on this problem is very early . It has already formed a more systematic theory , such as Max ' s theory of industrial capitalism , Weber ' s industrial democracy theory and the theory of collective action of Conformans . In addition , some foreign scholars have studied the current strike in China . The third chapter analyses the general situation of workers ' group - based rights . The data is derived from the network and the newspaper . In the limited resources , 430 workers are collected from 2011 to 2012 . Through the arrangement of 430 events , these events are classified and analyzed according to the nature of the property rights of the employing units , the industry , the rights form , the geographical distribution and the number of participants , and the important characteristics of such events are summarized . In the fourth chapter , the reasons for inducing workers ' group rights are divided into nine categories firstly through sorting and classifying . Then , the first two main causes are described in detail , in which wages and benefits are the primary causes and are subdivided into 12 small categories . Finally , on the basis of this division , the causes of the main three different property rights enterprises ( private enterprises , foreign - funded enterprises and state - owned enterprises ) and the causes of the four main industries ( manufacturing , education , water conservancy and transportation , storage and postal services ) are analyzed in detail . The fifth chapter is the core of this paper , that is to analyze the causes of workers ' group - based rights violations from the perspective of the new institutional economics . Firstly , the paper analyzes the system background of the incident , and puts forward the comparison chart of labor force under the background of macro - system . In chapter 6 , the author puts forward some suggestions for the prevention of the mass rights of workers from the three sides of labor and management , according to the contents of chapter V .
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