本文关键词: 山东省 公安 院校 体育教学 若干 问题 的的 研究 出处:《北京体育大学》2004年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 21世纪是一个竞争更加激烈的世纪,竞争的焦点归结到一点是人才素质的较量。人才的 造就关键在教育。各级公安院校是培养合格人民警察的摇篮,是公安教育、科研、培训的基地。体育教学是公安教育的重要组成部分。对山东省公安院校体育教学进行深入细致的调查研究,提出可行性对策,不仅为山东省公安院校体育教学的发展提供参考,而且为全国公安院校的体育教学发展提供理论依据。 文章运用文献资料法、访问调查法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法等方法对山东省公安院校体育教学进行调查分析,得出以下结论。 1.山东省内共有十八所公安院校,本科院校一所,专科学校四所,中专学校十三所。 2.山东省公安院校体育课开课率为83.33%;有66.67%的学校周学时为2学时;有27.78%的学校周学时为4学时。 3.山东省公安院校中有88.89%的院校完全或部分实施警察体育教学大纲;有54.17%的体育教师有完整的教案。 4.山东省公安院校体育教学指导思想陈旧,不能适应当前公安教育改革和公安实际工作的需要,只有38.89%的学校贯彻体育教学指导思想;一部分学校不能完成体育教学目标。 5.山东省公安院校体育教学内容实用性不强,与警察的职业特点不相适应,大部分院校没有开设战术课和急救课。 6.山东省公安院校中体育课班级人数较多,有61.11%的班级人数为50-60人;有76.39%的体育教师采用分组轮换的教学组织形式。 7.山东省公安院校体育教师注重对学生身体素质的评价,忽略了对学生体育卫生知识的评价;有94.44%的体育教师采用终结性评价学生的成绩。 8.山东省公安院校体育教师基本能满足教学需要,但专职教师缺乏;体育教师的学历以专科为主;大都具有初、中级职称;在年龄结构上呈现塔型,老年体育教师少,中青年体育教师居多;大部分体育教师教龄较短,科研能力差,发表论文数较少;体育教师的工作量较大,福利待遇较差;多数教师近期没有参加进修培训。 9.山东省公安院校体育教学的物质条件较差,体育经费不足,体育场地器材普遍缺乏,阻碍山东省公安院校体育教学的发展。
[Abstract]:21th century is a more competitive century, the focus of competition comes down to the talent quality contest. Public security colleges and universities at all levels are the cradle of training qualified people's police and the public security education and scientific research. Training base. Physical education is an important part of public security education. This paper makes a thorough investigation and study on physical education in Shandong police colleges and puts forward feasible countermeasures. It not only provides a reference for the development of physical education in police colleges in Shandong Province, but also provides a theoretical basis for the development of physical education in public security colleges and universities throughout the country. This paper uses the methods of literature, interview, questionnaire, logic analysis, mathematical statistics and so on to investigate and analyze the physical education teaching in Shandong public security colleges and universities, and draws the following conclusions. 1. There are 18 public security colleges and universities, one undergraduate college, four specialized schools and 13 secondary schools in Shandong Province. 2.The opening rate of physical education in public security colleges of Shandong Province is 83.33; 66.67% schools have 2 hours of weekly classes; 27.78% schools have 4 hours of weekly classes. 3. 88.89% of the public security colleges in Shandong province implement the police physical education syllabus completely or partially, and 54.17% of the physical education teachers have complete teaching plans. 4. The guiding ideology of physical education in public security colleges in Shandong Province is old and can not meet the needs of the current reform of public security education and the actual work of public security. Only 38.89% of the schools carry out the guiding ideology of physical education; Some schools are unable to achieve the goal of physical education. 5. The content of physical education in police colleges in Shandong Province is not practical, and it is not suitable for the professional characteristics of police. Most colleges and universities do not offer tactical and emergency courses. 6. There are more classes of physical education in Shandong public security colleges, with 61.11% classes ranging from 50 to 60, and 76.39% physical education teachers adopting the form of teaching organization of group rotation. 7. Physical education teachers in Shandong police colleges pay attention to the evaluation of students' physical fitness, neglecting the evaluation of students' knowledge of physical health, and 94.44% of them use summative evaluation of students' achievements. 8. Physical education teachers in Shandong police colleges can basically meet the teaching needs, but lack of full-time teachers; Physical education teachers' academic qualifications are mainly specialized; Most of them have primary and intermediate titles; In the age structure of the tower, the elderly physical education teachers, young and middle-aged physical education teachers in the majority; The majority of PE teachers have short teaching years, poor scientific research ability and few published papers. The workload of physical education teachers is large and the welfare benefits are poor; Most teachers have not taken part in refresher training recently. 9.The physical condition of physical education in public security colleges in Shandong Province is poor, the sports funds are insufficient, and the sports venues and equipment are generally lacking, which hinders the development of physical education in Shandong public security colleges and universities.
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