发布时间:2018-02-16 07:54
本文关键词: 犯罪现场 物证信息 基础理论 逻辑推导模型 犯罪现场重建 刻画犯罪人 物证信息开发 出处:《西南政法大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 随着科学技术的不断进步,法庭科学取得了突飞猛进的发展,刑事侦查作为一门学科在我国也逐渐的成熟与完善。但当前我国的刑事案件破案率仍然较低,侦查模式总体上仍属于“由供到证”,严重影响社会的稳定与正义的实现。笔者认为,导致这种局面的主要原因一方面是对犯罪现场与物证的研究尚存诸多不足,另一面是犯罪现场勘查实践中仍然存在着水平低、技术差等问题,所以案件侦查中无法获取充足的物证,更谈不上利用物证信息进行逻辑推导侦破案件。本文从探讨犯罪现场的科学内涵出发,对犯罪现场物证信息的识别、收集、保存、应用及开发利用等多个方面进行了全面系统的研究,目的就是为犯罪现场勘查与案件侦查提供理论基础,推动“由证到供"或“由证到零供”科学侦查模式的形成,提高刑事案件的侦破率,全面发挥物证在法庭审判中的证明力。 全文约四万字,除引言和结语外,共分四个部分。 第一部分是犯罪现场物证信息概论,主要涉及犯罪现场、证据、物证与物证信息等方面的内容。 该部分首先明确了犯罪现场的概念。当前国内外关于犯罪现场的理解存在很大的争议,笔者对这些争议进行了概括分析,并从犯罪现场勘查目的的角度对犯罪现场进行了定义。 其次,对证据的科学内涵进行了探讨。笔者批驳了当前关于“证据是一种事实”的错误观点,指出证据是“证明案件事实的依据”。在此基础上对‘证据证明的案件事实”与”案件真实情况”之间的区别进行分析,以实现二者最大程度的趋同。 再者,对物证与物证信息进行了解析。物证可以分为广义上的物证与狭义上的物证,本文中所研究的物证作广义上的理解,包括除了人证以外的其他所有证据。物证是无法主动与人们交流的“哑巴证据”,在案件侦查中,只有当侦查人员通过科学技术手段对其进行解读之后,物证才能发挥其证明案件事实的作用。而物证之所以能够被解读,进而证明案件事实,根本的原因就在于物证中蕴含着物证信息。物证信息是案件的各个环节所反映或留存在物品、痕迹中的那些能够据以确定案件事实的信息,也即能够消除案件不确定性的东西。实践当中,由于受各种条件的制约,物证很难被全面有效解读,因此必须加强对物证检验和分析方法的研究,特别是加强运用最新的科学技术方法挖掘物证信息,充分发挥其在案件侦查或法庭审判中的作用。 最后,从物证信息的层面对物证进行了再认识。传统上对物证的认识通常局限于实体的物质,而其他的一些物证形态,如暂时性物证、情况性物证、形态性物证等则没有得到足够的重视。实际上它们当中也蕴含着大量的物证信息,对犯罪现场重建与刻画犯罪人等都具有非常重要的作用,因此在犯罪现场勘查中应加强对此类物证的收集。 第二部分是犯罪现场物证信息的基础理论,主要包括物质转移理论、信息转移理论以及物证信息的逻辑推导模型三方面的内容。 物质转移理论是以法国物证技术学家艾德蒙.洛卡德博士所提出的洛卡德物质交换原理(Locard's Exchange Principle)为基础而形成,后来逐渐受到各国侦查专家的认可,并在侦查活动中发挥了重要作用。但随着时代和科技的发展,它也暴露出一些固有的局限性,主要表现在两个方面:一是将物质转移理论作为物证信息的基础理论具有一定的片面性。二是在此理论中物质转移的客体是物质,但是转移的结果却是形成了新的物证。对由“物”到“证”的过程,该理论并不能作出很好的解释;信息转移理论以信息论为基础,从信息层面对物证进行研究,揭示了物证信息转移的结构与转移的本质,并对物质转换为物证的原因作出了合理的解释。笔者认为,由于物证信息包含了物质与信息两个层面,物证信息的基础理论也必然从这两个方面进行建构,既包含物质层面上的物质转移理论,也包含信息层面上的信息转移理论。只有将这两个理论有效的结合起来,才能为犯罪现场物证信息科学合理的运用奠定基础。 理论研究的目的在于指导实践,所以笔者以理论为基础构建了一个物证信息应用的理论模型,即物证信息的逻辑推导模型。根据不同的阶段,可以分为犯罪过程中的逻辑推导模型、诉讼阶段的逻辑推导模型及侦查阶段的逻辑推导模型。为了更好的解释如何运用物证信息逻辑推导模型开展侦查,笔者选取一起杀人案件进行了实证分析。 第三部分是犯罪现场物证信息在侦查中的运用,主要包含利用物证信息重建犯罪现场与利用物证信息刻画犯罪人两个方面的内容。 犯罪现场重建(crime scene reconstruction)是欧美侦查界广为使用的一个概念,近年来该理论引起我国侦查学界的广泛关注。但学者对犯罪现场重建的研究过于笼统,且过于经验化,难以有效的指导侦查的实践。笔者认为,尽管犯罪现场重建需要各种与案件有关的信息,但是在人证因为种种原因越来越不可靠的情况下,物证信息在犯罪现场重建中发挥越来越重要的作用,在某些案件当中,犯罪现场的重建甚至完全依赖于物证信息。因此,物证信息是犯罪现场重建的基础。犯罪现场重建依据不同的标准可以进行不同的分类:根据现场重建范围的不同,可分为对局部犯罪现场重建与对整体犯罪现场重建;根据犯罪现场重建的信息源不同,可分为根据人证重建犯罪现场,根据物证重建犯罪现场,根据人证与物证相结合重建犯罪现场;根据犯罪现场重建内容的不同,可分为犯罪现场相对静态状况的重建与犯罪现场动态状况重建。利用物证信息进行犯罪现场重建必须严格遵循一定的程序,具体来说分为五个环节:物证信息的收集、初步推测、形成假说、假说测试、形成最终结论。 通过物证信息的解读可以对犯罪人相关特征进行刻画,给案件的侦查提供重要的参考。犯罪人的刻画主要包括四个方面:一是犯罪人人身形象的刻画,二是犯罪人所处地域范围的刻画,三是犯罪人职业范围的刻画,四是犯罪人心理特点的刻画。对犯罪人人身形象、所处地域范围及职业范围刻画时,严格依据物证信息进行逻辑推导,因此具有较强的科学性。犯罪人心理特点的刻画在侦破一系列案件中也取得巨大的成功,引起学术界与侦查实践部门的广泛关注。但心理特点的刻画离不开犯罪行为数据的统计分析,而我国当前相关的统计数据严重不足且统计方法不规范,因此在当前的侦查实践中应谨慎使用。 第四部分是犯罪现场物证信息的开发与利用,主要探讨如何将犯罪现场物证信息由低可用状态转换为高可用状态,形成更高层次的信息资源。物证信息的开发与利用要遵循一定程序,具体来讲分为六个步骤:第一步是物证信息的收集,即根据当前我国犯罪侦查的需要将分散和蕴含在不同案件犯罪现场中的物证信息进行采掘和积累;第二步是物证信息的加工,即在原始物证信息的基础上进行再处理,从而生产出价值含量较高,并可以在其它案件侦查中所运用的信息,是物证信息增值的过程;第三步是物证信息数据库建设;第四步是物证信息数据库的维护,主要包括数据库的更新、数据库的安全维护以及数据库系统硬件的维护三个方面;第五步是物证信息的查找与交流,笔者从物证信息查询的路径、物证信息的传递以及物证信息的交流三个方面进行了阐述;第六步是物证信息的利用,即侦查部门通过对数据库中物证信息的查询和交流,将获取的物证信息应用于案件的侦查当中,达到侦破案件的目的。
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology , the court science has made the rapid development , criminal investigation as a subject is gradually mature and perfect in our country . However , the investigation mode is still low , the investigation pattern still belongs to the realization of the stability and justice of the society . The aim is to provide the theoretical basis for the crime scene investigation and the investigation of the case , and to promote the formation of the scientific investigation mode of the crime scene investigation and investigation , to improve the detective rate of the criminal case and to fully exert the proof force in the trial of the court . The full text is about 40,000 words , divided into four parts in addition to the introduction and conclusion . The first part is an overview of crime scene evidence information , which mainly deals with the contents of crime scene , evidence , evidence and evidence information . Firstly , the concept of crime scene is defined firstly . At present , there is a great deal of dispute about the understanding of crime scene at home and abroad . The author makes a general analysis on these disputes and defines the crime scene from the perspective of crime scene investigation . Secondly , the paper discusses the scientific connotation of the evidence . The author refutes the erroneous viewpoint about " evidence is a fact " , points out that the evidence is the basis of " proof of the facts of the case " . On this basis , the difference between the " facts of evidence " and " the truth of the case " is analyzed to achieve the convergence of the two greatest degrees . In addition , the evidence and the evidence information are analyzed . The evidence can be divided into a broad sense of physical evidence and a narrow sense of evidence . The evidence presented in this paper is broadly understood , including all other evidence other than the human evidence . The evidence is " dumb evidence " that cannot be actively exchanged with people . In the investigation of the case , only when the investigators interpret them by means of scientific and technological means , the evidence is able to play the role of the facts of the case . Finally , the material evidence is re - recognized from the aspect of the evidence information . The traditional understanding of the physical evidence is usually limited to the substance of the entity , but other evidence forms , such as temporary evidence , case evidence and morphological evidence , are not paid enough attention . In fact , they also contain a large amount of evidence information , which plays a very important role in the reconstruction of the crime scene and the characterization of criminals , etc . Therefore , the collection of such evidence should be enhanced in the crime scene investigation . The second part is the basic theory of crime scene evidence information , which mainly includes material transfer theory , information transfer theory , and logical derivation model of evidence information . The theory of material transfer is based on the Locard ' s Exchange Principle , which is based on the principle of Locard ' s Exchange Principle , which is based on the principle of Locard ' s Exchange Principle . The purpose of the theoretical research is to guide the practice , so the author constructs a theoretical model of the application of the evidence information based on the theory , that is , the logical derivation model of the material evidence information . According to different stages , the logic derivation model in the process of the crime , the logic derivation model of the litigation stage and the logical derivation model of the investigation stage can be divided into the crime process . The third part is the application of the crime scene material evidence information in the investigation , mainly including the reconstruction of the crime scene with the evidence information and the use of the material evidence information to depict the contents of the two aspects of the crime . The crime scene reconstruction is a widely used concept in the investigation circles in Europe and America . In recent years , the theory has aroused extensive concern in China ' s investigative circles . However , the research on crime scene reconstruction is more and more important in the reconstruction of crime scene . Through the interpretation of the evidence information , the relevant characteristics of the offender can be described and the important reference is provided to the investigation of the case . The depiction of the perpetrator mainly includes four aspects : one is the characterization of the person ' s personal image , the second is the depiction of the geographical scope of the perpetrator , the third is the depiction of the psychological characteristics of the perpetrator . The characterization of the psychological characteristics of the offender is not inseparable from the statistical analysis of the crime data . However , the current relevant statistical data in our country is seriously insufficient and the statistical method is not standardized , so that the present investigation practice should be used with caution . The fourth part is the development and utilization of the evidence information of crime scene , mainly discusses how to convert the crime scene evidence information from the low available state to the high available state and form higher level information resources .
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