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  本文选题:犯罪 切入点:心理 出处:《西南政法大学》2004年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:犯罪既是一种社会现象,又是一种个体现象。任何犯罪行为的发生,都是在行为人的有关心理活动和心理因素的影响下进行的。支配行为人实施犯罪行为的心理状态和心理因素称为犯罪心理。犯罪心理的生成及其发展变化,要受到相关的主客观条件的影响,并表现出一定的规律。本文即对犯罪心理的生成机制和规律进行比较深入的探讨。 全文共分五章:第一章,绪论。作者首先对犯罪、犯罪心理、犯罪心理生成机制等基本概念进行了科学界定。在比较了各种犯罪概念之后,作者从犯罪心理学角度给“犯罪”下了一个定义:“犯罪是具有刑事责任能力的行为人运用社会(尤其是统治阶级)不认可且不能容忍的方式满足自己的需要,严重侵犯了法律所保护的社会主流价值,,依法应当受到相应的刑罚惩罚的行为。”该定义揭示出了行为人实施犯罪行为的内在原因是为了满足自己的需要;犯罪的表现形式就在于行为人满足需要的行为方式不为社会规范所认可,而且这种行为方式对社会所造成的侵害程度又超出了社会心理的容忍度,社会迫不得已要对行为人进行人格否定和刑事制裁。该定义表明,犯罪生成和犯罪认定都是一种心理活动过程,也可以说是一种心理现象;从而在理论上说明了研究犯罪心理生成机制的重要性。 “犯罪心理”有狭义和广义之分:狭义的犯罪心理是指支配行为人实施犯罪行为时的心理状态(如认识状态、意志状态、情绪情感状态、注意状态等)和有关心理因素(如人格、性格、能力、气质、自我意识等);广义的犯罪心理是指与犯罪行为的发生发展和完成有关的各种心理活动状态和心理因素的总称。作者认为,狭义的犯罪心理充分体现了罪过心理的实质,但从研究犯罪心理的形成过程和转化规律的实际目的出发,应以广义的犯罪心理为视角。 “犯罪心理生成机制”是指在犯罪心理的形成和发展变化过程中,各种影响因素之间相互作用的过程、方式和原理。作者认为,犯罪心理的生成过程可分为四个阶段,同时也是犯罪心理四个不同层次的表现:个体在社会化过程中,由于生物学因素(包括遗传因素和生理因素)与社会不良因素的相互作用,使个体没有将社会规范内化为个体意识,以致于个体在满足需要的过程中经常与社会发生冲突,导致人格出现社会性缺陷,人格缺陷即是生成犯罪心理的基础(第一层次,人格缺陷的生成);已经形成了的人格缺陷在合适的社会环境条件的刺激作用下,就可能促使行为人选择社会不认可的方式满足自己的需要,从而形成犯罪动机、犯罪目的和犯罪决意等犯罪意识(第二层次,犯罪意识的生成);犯罪意识与犯罪意志的相互作用,转化为特定的心理状态支配行为人实施犯罪行为,即为罪过心理(第三层次,罪过心理的生成);罪过心理在现实中的展开(外化)过程即是犯罪行为的实施(包括预备和实行)过程;在此过程中,由于各种主客观条件的变化及其影响,罪过心理还可能发生性质不同的转化(第四层次,犯罪心理的转化)。犯罪心理的转化为我们预防犯罪和教育改造罪犯、矫正其人格缺陷提供了理论依据。 本文以辨证唯物主义思想为指导,运用刑法学、犯罪学、犯罪心理学、社会心理学等学科的有关原理和方法,从动态的角度深入而系统地分析了犯罪心理的生成机制及其罪过实质, 犯罪心理生成机制研究 并就司法实践中如何正确认定主观罪过、如何预防犯罪和教育改造罪犯等问题进行了探讨。 这些研究成果.不仅在理论上可以推动犯罪心理学、犯罪学、刑法学等相关学科的发展和创 新,而且在实践上可以为制定刑事政策、刑事立法,以及刑事司法活动等提供理论依据。因 此,本研究具有明显的理论意义和实践价值。 本研究的目的就在于揭示犯罪心理的生成过程和规律,论证作者所主张的四层次理论 的合理性,丰富和发展现有的犯罪心理学理论.并对犯罪学关于犯罪原因的研究,对刑法学 关于犯罪主观要件的研究等有所创新和促进。 第二章.人格缺陷的生成机制。在全面考察了中外刑事法学中有关人格问题的研究概 况之后,作者指出,虽然现代刑法理论都十分重视研究行为人的人格问题,均注意到了行为 人的人格与犯罪行为之间的内在联系,但却陷人了简单的机械决定论的泥坑;因为已有的研 究将犯罪的本质、刑法的任务、刑罚的目的等彼此割裂开来,脱离了犯罪的本质探讨行为人 的人格问题。作者认为,犯罪是行为人人格结构中社会性缺陷的表现,其实质是行为人对社 会规范的敌视、蔑视或轻视、漠视的态度(正是有了这些不正确的态度,行为人才会选择社会 不认可的行为方式满足自己的需要),但有人格缺陷者未必一定会犯罪,因为人格缺陷转化 为罪过心理状态还必须依赖于一定的主客观条件,人格缺陷只是生成罪过心理的必要条件 而不是充分条件;刑罚的主要目的就是要改变行为人对社会规范的不正确态度.塑造健全人 格,使之养成运用社会所认可的方式满足自己需要的行为习惯,不至于再侵犯代表社会主流 价值的合法权益;刑法的任务也是为了培养和塑造社会中的个人形成健全人格,自觉遵守社 会规范,保护社会主流价值。因此,这三者之间是相互联系的辨证统一体。 在本章中,作者借用人格心理学和社会心理学的研究方法与成果,探讨了人
[Abstract]:Crime is a social phenomenon, but also a kind of individual phenomenon. Any crimes are in the mental activity and psychological factors of human behavior. The psychological state and psychological factors dominate the crime behavior known as criminal psychology. Formation and evolution of crime psychology. To be affected by the related subjective and objective conditions, and show some regularity. This paper is in-depth discussion on the formation mechanism and law of criminal psychology.
The full text is divided into five chapters: the first chapter, introduction. Author of crime, criminal psychology, criminal psychology and other basic concepts of the formation mechanism of scientificdefinition. After comparing various concepts of crime, the author from the angle of criminal psychology to "crime" under a definition: "a crime is the behavior of people with criminal responsibility the use of social (especially the ruling class) is not recognized and cannot bear to meet his needs, a serious violation of the social mainstream value protected by law, shall be subject to appropriate punishment according to law." this definition reveals the inner reason of crime behavior is to satisfy their own needs; performance the form of crime is the behavior to meet the needs of people's behavior is not recognized by the social norms, and the behavior of the degree of damage caused by the society and beyond the social heart The tolerance of society, have to be denied and criminal sanctions on the behavior of people. This definition shows that the formation and determination for crime is a kind of psychological activity process, but also can be said to be a psychological phenomenon; in order to illustrate the importance of criminal psychological mechanism in theory.
"Criminal psychology" has narrow sense and broad sense: narrow criminal psychology refers to the crime behavior of mental state (such as the state of understanding, will, emotion, attention etc.) and related psychological factors (such as personality, character, ability, temperament, self consciousness etc.); crime is the general psychological generalized state of various kinds of psychological activities in development and implementation of related factors and psychological factors refers to the crime. The author thinks that the crime psychology fully embodies the essence of narrow criminal psychology, but the actual objective from the formation and transformation of the research of criminal psychology of criminal psychology should be based on the generalized perspective.
The mechanism of criminal formation refers to the formation and development process in criminal psychology in the process of interaction between the various influencing factors, methods and principle. The author thinks that the formation process of criminal psychology can be divided into four stages, but also the criminal psychology of four different levels: the individual in the process of socialization, due to biological factors (including genetic factors and physiological factors) and the interaction of harmful factors in the society, the individual will not social norms into individual consciousness, so as to meet the needs of the individual in the process often and social conflict, resulting in social personality defects, personality defect is generated on the basis of Criminal Psychology (the first level, personality defect generation); stimulation of personality defects has been formed in the appropriate social environment conditions, it may encourage people to choose social recognition behavior The way to meet their own needs, so as to form the motive for the crime, crime and the criminal purpose of crime to consciousness (the production of the second level, the consciousness of sin); the interaction of criminal consciousness and will, into the specific psychology of crime behavior, namely crime psychology (the third level, the crime psychology generation); sin mental unfolding in reality (external) implementation is the process of criminal behavior (including the preparation and implementation process); in this process, due to changes in the subjective and objective conditions and effects of crime psychology may also occur with different properties (transformation into fourth levels, the criminal psychology). Transformation of criminal psychology for the prevention of crime and criminals, correct their personality defects to provide a theoretical basis.
Guided by dialectical materialism, this paper analyzes the essence and mechanism of criminal psychology from a dynamic perspective by using the principles and methods of criminology, criminology, social psychology and so on.
Research on the formation mechanism of criminal psychology
It also discusses how to correctly identify the subjective crime in the judicial practice and how to prevent the crime and the education and reform the criminals.
These research results, not only in theory can promote the development and creation of related disciplines, such as criminal psychology, criminology, criminal law and so on.
It can also provide theoretical basis for criminal policy, criminal legislation, and criminal judicial activities in practice.
Therefore, this study has obvious theoretical significance and practical value.
The purpose of this study is to reveal the process and law of the formation of criminal psychology, and to demonstrate the four level theory advocated by the author.
To enrich and develop the existing theory of criminal psychology, and to study the cause of crime in criminology, to criminal law
The research on the subjective elements of the crime has been innovated and promoted.
The second chapter. The formation mechanism of personality defects. A comprehensive investigation of the study of personality problems in Chinese and foreign criminal law
After the situation, the author points out that although the theory of modern criminal law attaches great importance to the study of the personality of the perpetrator, it has taken notice of the behavior.
The intrinsic link between personality and the perpetrator, but in simple mechanical materialism; because of the existing research
The essence of the crime, the task of the criminal law and the purpose of the penalty are separated from each other, and the nature of the crime is disconnected from the perpetrator.
The author believes that crime is a manifestation of social defects in the personality structure of the perpetrator, the essence of which is the behavior of the person to the society.
The canonical hostility, disdain, disregard, and disregard of the attitude (it is these inaccurate attitudes that the behavior will choose the society. "
The disapproved behavior satisfies your needs, but the person who has a personality defect may not necessarily commit a crime because of the transformation of personality defects.
It is necessary to rely on certain subjective and objective conditions for the mental state of the crime, and the personality defect is only the necessary condition for the formation of the crime psychology.
It is not sufficient conditions; the main purpose of the penalty is to change the incorrect attitude of the actor to the social norms.
To make it form the habit of meeting the needs of the society in the way that it is recognized by the society, and not to infringe on the mainstream of the society.
The legitimate rights and interests of the value of the criminal law, the task of the criminal law is also to cultivate and mold the individual in the society to form a sound personality, and consciously abide by the society.
It will be standardized to protect the mainstream values of the society. Therefore, the three are the dialectical unity of interconnections.
In this chapter, the author uses the research methods and achievements of personality psychology and social psychology to discuss people



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