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发布时间:2018-04-22 05:10

  本文选题:户籍制度 + 平等权 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2008年硕士论文

【摘要】: 我国现行的户籍管理制度是1958年1月9日确定的,《中华人民共和国户口登记条例》以法律的形式将城乡有别的户口登记和迁移制度固定下来。现行户籍制度曾经为我国的社会主义建设做出了不可磨灭的历史贡献,但是,随着市场经济突飞猛进的发展,现行户籍制度在公民的经济社会生活领域反映出愈来愈明显的制度缺陷。缺陷总体表现为户籍制度中性的人口统计、确认公民身份功能被其他附加制度所严重扭曲,维护治安功能被强化,限制人口流动、差别分配利益等功能成为户籍制度的主要职能,使现行户籍制度日益成为固化公民不平等身份、造成城乡居民权利不平等格局的制度渊薮。 作为权利的平等权一方面要求人人所享有的基本权利应该完全平等,另一方面要求人人所享有的非基本权利应该比例平等,同时平等权在宪法上主要是作为一种基本权利而存在,并在整个宪法的基本权利体系中具有一定的超越地位。它通过民族平等、男女平等、政治平等以及其他基本权利来体现其作为一种基本权利上的内容,是一种原理性、概括性的基本权利。任何具体权利的实施都离不开平等原则,它是公民行使其宪法权利的基础。发生功能扭曲的我国现行户籍制度带来了固化公民先天不平等身份、造成城乡居民权利不平等、阻碍要素自由流动影响市场经济发展和城市化进程等一系列不良后果,而在制度的价值理念上与平等权无论在实现形式还是在包含内容方面都存在明显冲突。现行户籍制度中的政治参与、社会经济、文化教育等公民基本权利存在着明显的不平等现状,使我们看到现行户籍制度无法适应平等权在所包含内容方面的制度正义性要求。 通过对我国现行户籍制度中的平等权进行理论与现实分析,揭示了现行户籍制度与平等权保障的冲突及成因分析,从而结合户籍制度改革的理论研究和实际进展,提出以实现平等为视角反思户籍制度改革,明确改革的理念,即以权利平等保护做为户籍制度改革的理念基础,坚持循序渐进的原则,采取积极有效的措施,以推进身份平等化作为户籍制度改革的策略思路,并把功能重整作为户籍制度改革的措施,剥离不合理的附属功能,取消限制公民迁徙自由的功能,加强户籍制度的管理服务功能。
[Abstract]:The current household registration management system in China was established on January 9, 1958. The regulations of the people's Republic of China on Household Registration fixed the system of household registration and migration in urban and rural areas in the form of laws. The current household registration system has made an indelible historical contribution to the socialist construction of our country. However, with the rapid development of the market economy, The current household registration system reflects more and more obvious institutional defects in the field of economic and social life of citizens. In general, the defects are the neutral demographic statistics of the household registration system, the serious distortion of the function of confirming citizenship by other additional systems, the strengthening of the function of maintaining public order, and the restriction of population mobility. The function of differential distribution of benefits becomes the main function of the household registration system, which makes the current household registration system increasingly become the system that solidifies the unequal identity of citizens and leads to the unequal pattern of the rights of urban and rural residents. The right to equality as a right requires, on the one hand, that the fundamental rights enjoyed by all persons should be fully equal, on the other hand, that the non-fundamental rights enjoyed by all persons should be proportionately equal, At the same time, the right of equality mainly exists as a basic right in the constitution, and has a certain transcendental position in the basic right system of the whole constitution. It embodies the basic rights as a kind of basic rights through national equality, equality of men and women, political equality and other basic rights. It is a kind of basic rights of principle and generality. The implementation of any specific right can not be separated from the principle of equality, which is the basis for citizens to exercise their constitutional rights. The existing household registration system with distorted functions has brought about a series of adverse consequences, such as solidifying the innate unequal identity of citizens, causing inequality in the rights of urban and rural residents, hindering the free flow of elements, affecting the development of market economy and the process of urbanization, and so on. However, there are obvious conflicts between the value concept of system and the right to equality in both form and content. The political participation, social economy, culture and education and other basic rights of citizens in the current household registration system are obviously unequal, so we can see that the current household registration system can not adapt to the right of equality in the content of the system justice requirements. Through the theoretical and practical analysis of the right to equality in the current household registration system of our country, this paper reveals the conflicts and causes of the current household registration system and the guarantee of the equality right, thus combining the theoretical research and practical progress of the reform of the household registration system. This paper proposes to reflect on the reform of the household registration system from the perspective of realizing equality, and to make clear the idea of the reform, that is, to take the equal protection of rights as the conceptual basis of the reform of the household registration system, to adhere to the principle of gradual and orderly progress, and to take active and effective measures. Taking the promotion of equality of identity as the strategic train of thought for the reform of the household registration system, taking functional reorganization as the measure of the reform of the household registration system, stripping off the unreasonable subsidiary functions, cancelling the function of restricting the freedom of movement of citizens, Strengthen the management and service functions of the household registration system.


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