发布时间:2018-04-22 05:40
本文选题:我国 + 职务犯罪 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】:职务犯罪问题一直是困扰各国政府的痼疾,也是普通民众乃至高层领导的聚焦。职务犯罪是指具有一定职务身份的人故意或过失地实施了与其职务之间有必然联系的,侵犯了国家管理公务的职能和声誉,致使国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的各种犯罪的总称。当前,职务犯罪不仅严重损害了国家和人民的利益,影响我国经济的健康发展,而且严重损害了党和政府在人民群众心目中的地位。因此,深入研究和探讨职务犯罪问题对于开展反腐败斗争有着十分重要的现实意义。本文考察了我国职务犯罪的历史和现状,总结了联合国、欧盟等国际组织及我国香港地区遏制职务犯罪的成功经验,并在剖析其成因和特点的基础上,有针对陛的提出了我国职务犯罪的预防对策和侦查策略。最后提出了在我国现实条件下预防和侦查职务犯罪的一系列具体构想和建议。 本文除引言和结束语外,共分为三个部分。 第一部分为我国职务犯罪的历史与现状。文章首先回顾了夏、商、周、战国、秦汉、唐、宋、明、清时期的职务犯罪概况并简单地概括了我国古代职务犯罪的特点。其次介绍了我国职务犯罪的现状,即我国现阶段职务犯罪呈现的状态:①犯罪主体发案率高;②窝案、串案增多;③高级干部职务犯罪凸现;④职务犯罪人员外逃、资金外流严重。最后分析了我国职务犯罪的发展态势并分析了入世后我国职务犯罪将在诸多方面发生的变化:①主体成份趋向多元化;②利用资源趋向信息化;③种类趋向多样化;④手段更加隐蔽化。 第二部分为职务犯罪的成因、危害及预防对策。首先论述了我国职务犯罪的成因,分别从理论方面和我国转型这一特殊时期的状况来加以阐述,并在此基础上分析了职务犯罪造成的危害,认为职务犯罪会造成以下危害:①动摇政权根基,冲击社会稳定;②妨害社会财富合理分配;③阻碍市场经济秩序的建立;④影响经济决策及政策的制定和执行。其次介绍了联合国、欧盟等国际组织以及香港廉政公署预防职务犯罪的措施及对我国职务犯罪预防的启示。最后阐述了我国职务犯罪的预防对策及其完善的设想。关于我国职务犯罪的预防策略,分别从职务犯罪的刑事对策和建立职务犯罪预防法律制度两个方面加以剖析;关于我国职务犯罪预防的建
[Abstract]:The problem of duty crime has always been the chronic disease of governments, and also the focus of ordinary people and even senior leaders. Job-related crime refers to a person with certain official status who intentionally or negligently carries out an inevitable connection with his position, thus infringing upon the functions and reputation of the state in the management of public affairs. The sum of various crimes that cause great losses to the interests of the state and the people. At present, job-related crimes not only seriously damage the interests of the country and the people, affect the healthy development of our economy, but also seriously damage the position of the Party and the government in the eyes of the people. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study and discuss the problem of duty crime for the fight against corruption. This paper reviews the history and present situation of duty crime in China, summarizes the successful experiences of international organizations such as the United Nations, the European Union and Hong Kong, and analyzes its causes and characteristics. The author puts forward the preventive countermeasures and investigation strategies for duty crime in China. Finally, a series of concrete ideas and suggestions on the prevention and investigation of job-related crimes in China are put forward. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into three parts. The first part is the history and present situation of duty crime in our country. This paper first reviews the general situation of duty crimes in Xia, Shang, Zhou, warring States, Qin and Han dynasties, Tang, Song, Ming and Qing dynasties, and briefly summarizes the characteristics of ancient duty crimes in China. Secondly, it introduces the present situation of duty crime in our country, that is, the present situation of duty crime in our country, that is, the occurrence rate of crime subject at 1: 1 is high, and the number of cases is increased. There is a serious outflow of capital. Finally, it analyzes the development situation of our country's duty crime and analyzes the changes that will take place in many aspects after China's entry into WTO. (4) more concealment of means. The second part is the cause, harm and preventive measures of duty crime. First of all, it discusses the causes of the crime of duty in our country, respectively from the theoretical aspect and the situation of this special period of transition of our country, and on this basis analyzes the harm caused by the crime of duty. The author thinks that the crime of duty will cause the following harm: 1 to shake the foundation of political power, 2 to impair social stability and to hinder the rational distribution of social wealth; 3 to hinder the establishment of market economic order; 4 to influence the formulation and execution of economic decisions and policies. Secondly, the paper introduces the measures of preventing duty crime in international organizations such as the United Nations, European Union and Hong Kong Independent Commission against Corruption, and the enlightenment to the prevention of duty crimes in China. At last, the paper expounds the preventive measures and the perfect assumption of duty crime in our country. The prevention strategy of duty crime in our country is analyzed from two aspects: the criminal countermeasures of duty crime and the establishment of legal system of duty crime prevention; on the establishment of duty crime prevention in our country
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1 杨圣坤;预防职务犯罪制度失灵的法理思考[D];中共中央党校;2012年
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1 周楠;教育系统职务犯罪侦防对策研究[D];西南政法大学;2011年
2 姚梅娟;职务犯罪研究[D];中国政法大学;2006年
3 周恺;职务犯罪预防研究[D];中国政法大学;2010年
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