本文选题:假币犯罪 + 防范 ; 参考:《公安大学学报》2002年02期
[Abstract]:The crime of counterfeit currency refers to the crime of forgery, alteration, sale, purchase and transportation by various illegal means. At present, the behavior of holding and using fake currency has the characteristics of large range of criminal activities, intelligent means of committing crimes, prominent gang and group crimes, covert and changeable criminal means, and so on. In this regard, we should strengthen the comprehensive management of key areas, implement the responsibility system, establish a strong leadership organization, take measures according to local conditions, establish a strict mechanism for combating and preventing, formulate a reward and punishment system for reporting counterfeit currency; We will improve the collection system of counterfeit coins and other measures. The measures of investigation are to take the initiative to attack and obtain the clues of counterfeit currency cases; to stop the source and stop the flow, to carry out the measures of investigation and control; to pursue the investigation in detail and to beat up the accomplices; to strengthen the cooperation in handling cases; to give play to the overall advantages.
【作者单位】: 浙江公安高等专科学校
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