本文选题:侦查模式 + 司法审查 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:由于近年来冤假错案频发,刑讯逼供、超期羁押、违法取证及滥用强制措施等现象虽然不断被提上议程,,立法者们也希望通过出台一些司法解释乃至重修刑事诉讼法来解决这些问题,可是从出台的一些司法解释的实施情况上看,成效仍然甚微,上述问题始终不能从根本上得到禁止。同时,随着我国依法治国的不断深入,对于进一步保障我国公民基本人权的呼声也愈来愈高,进而对落实司法最终裁判的法治原则和控诉与裁判相分离的基本诉讼原则等都提出了新的要求,这些都使得我国现有的侦查模式弊端日益显现,不仅满足不了我国新时期法治建设的需要,对于公民的宪法性权利也造成了一定程度上的损害。 本文旨在通过对一些典型的大陆法系与英美法系国家的侦查模式进行比较分析,阐述两大法系国家的侦查模式是由哪几大要素共同构成,并进而分析两大法系中代表性国家的侦查模式之利弊,产生该利弊之根源,及所形成侦查模式的意义影响等。同时,对我国现行侦查模式的弊端作出详尽的论述,分析产生这些弊端的缘由,从而对于侦查模式的重构提出一些可行性的建议,使得最终那些积弊已久的问题能够在一个正确的方向上逐渐得到改善。
[Abstract]:Because of the frequent occurrence of unjust, false and wrong cases in recent years, the phenomenon of extorting confessions by torture, prolonged detention, illegal collection of evidence and abuse of coercive measures, etc., although they have been constantly put on the agenda, Legislators also hope to solve these problems through the introduction of some judicial interpretations and even the revision of the Criminal procedure Law. However, judging from the implementation of some of the judicial interpretations issued, the results are still very little. The above problems can never be fundamentally prohibited. At the same time, with the continuous deepening of the rule of law in our country, the voice for further safeguarding the basic human rights of our citizens is also getting louder and higher. Furthermore, it puts forward new requirements for the implementation of the principle of the rule of law of the final judicial decision and the basic procedural principle of separating the complaint from the adjudication, which makes the malpractice of the existing investigation mode of our country appear day by day. Not only can not meet the needs of the construction of the rule of law in the new period of our country, but also damage the constitutional rights of citizens to a certain extent. The purpose of this paper is to compare and analyze the investigation models of some typical countries of civil law system and common law system, and to expound which elements constitute the investigation mode of the two law system countries. And then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the investigation model of the representative countries in the two legal systems, the origin of the advantages and disadvantages, and the significance of the investigation model formed. At the same time, the malpractice of the current investigation mode in our country is discussed in detail, the causes of these malpractices are analyzed, and some feasible suggestions for the reconstruction of the investigation mode are put forward. So that eventually those long-malpractices can be gradually improved in the right direction.
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