本文选题:犯罪 + 测量 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2001年硕士论文
【摘要】: 本文对在犯罪学的研究中具有基础性地位的犯罪测量进行了理论探讨。正文共分四个部分。第一部分提出了犯罪测量的概念及其理论意义。本文认为犯罪测量是通过分析各种资料对一个国家在一定历史时期所发生的犯罪现象程度的测定,包括对犯罪现象的质和量的测定。犯罪测量在犯罪学的研究中具有以下意义:它是提出和评价犯罪原因方面理论的重要基础;对评价刑事系统的实际功效方面有一定作用;可用来指导制定或修改刑事政策及某些社会政策;是把握犯罪特点和犯罪规律的前提;是犯罪预测的必要条件;是构建科学的犯罪学体系的基础。第二部分对我国犯罪测量的现状作了说明并将其与美国、德国的犯罪测量进行了比较,在此基础上分析了作为犯罪测量重要资料来源的官方犯罪统计的不足之处;第三部分论述了犯罪测量的对象。本文认为犯罪测量的对象主要包括犯罪状态、犯罪结构、犯罪动态和犯罪的价值等四个方面。在这个部分中,根据我国官方的犯罪统计的不足之处提出了相应的改进措施;第四部分对犯罪暗数的测量进行了专门论述。本文认为在我国对犯罪暗数的测量有着其特殊性。我国存在着大量的虚假的犯罪暗数,虚假犯罪暗数的存在极大影响了人们对犯罪现象的正确认识,影响了刑事政策的制定。在分析虚假犯罪暗数成因的基础上,提出了相应的解决方法。在以上探讨的基础上,,本文得出的结论是加强犯罪测量的研究对于指导官方的犯罪统计、正确认识我国的犯罪现状、制定正确的刑事政策具有十分重要的作用。
[Abstract]:This paper discusses the basic position of crime measurement in criminology. The text is divided into four parts. The first part puts forward the concept of crime measurement and its theoretical significance. This paper holds that crime measurement is the measurement of the degree of crime in a country in a certain historical period by analyzing all kinds of data, including the determination of the quality and quantity of the crime phenomenon. The measurement of crime has the following significance in the research of criminology: it is the important foundation of the theory of putting forward and evaluating the crime cause, and it has certain function in evaluating the actual effect of the criminal system. It can be used to guide the formulation or modification of criminal policy and some social policies; it is the premise of grasping the characteristics and laws of crime; it is the necessary condition of crime prediction; and it is the basis of constructing a scientific criminological system. The second part describes the current situation of crime measurement in China and compares it with that of the United States and Germany. On this basis, it analyzes the shortcomings of official crime statistics as an important source of information on crime measurement. The third part discusses the object of crime measurement. The object of crime measurement includes four aspects: crime state, crime structure, crime dynamics and crime value. In this part, according to the shortcomings of our country's official crime statistics, the corresponding improvement measures are put forward. The fourth part discusses the measurement of the crime dark number. This paper holds that the measurement of crime dark number has its particularity in our country. There are a large number of false crime hidden numbers in our country. The existence of false crime hidden numbers has greatly affected people's correct understanding of crime phenomena and the formulation of criminal policies. On the basis of analyzing the causes of false crime hidden number, the corresponding solutions are put forward. On the basis of the above discussion, the conclusion of this paper is that it is very important to strengthen the research of crime measurement for guiding the official crime statistics, correctly understanding the present situation of crime in our country, and making correct criminal policy.
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