本文选题:外国人 + 入出境 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 外国人入出境管理是国家行政管理的重要组成部分,涉及到国家主权、安全和利益,对于树立我国在国际上的形象,促进我国的改革开放都有十分重要的意义。但是外管工作的法律依据在一些方面还存在不足,不利于我国外管工作的依法行政,需要进行修改。如何解决问题,需要我们从理论角度对外国人入出境法律规范进行深入、细致地分析和研究,明确外国人入出境管理的相关理论问题,科学地对外国人入出境法律规范的内容进行设计。 第一部分,依据国际移民理论和我国的法律规定,阐述了外国人入出境管理制度的一些基本性问题。外国人入出境管理的对象是指不具有外交特权与豁免的具有外国国籍和不具有任何国家国籍的普通外国人。外国人入出境是指外国人入出我国国境,“境”不仅指实在国境而且还指拟制国境。通过外国人入出境管理的含义,得出外国人入出境管理的性质,并且对外国人入出境管理的法律依据进行了总结概括。分析了外国人的入出境权,外国人的出境权根据国际公约的规定是公民享有的一项基本人权,对于外国人是否享有入境请求权及被批准申请后的入境权结合国际移民法的理论和实践提出自己的观点。对外国人入出境管理制度建立的理论基础和实践基础两方面进行了论述。 第二部分,通过分析我国现行公安出入境管理机构设置与职责分工、签发外国人管理的主要证件、外国人在我国入出境活动中所享有的权利和承担的义务、我国现行外国人入出境管理的行政强制和行政救济,得出我国外国人入出境管理立法取得的进展。同时也指出了外国人入出境管理法律规范存在的问题。主要从三个方面进行论述。外国人入出境法律法规不适应公安行政法规体系建设的需要,不适应保护相对人权益的需要,不适应加强对外国人管理的需要。 第三部分,我国外国人入出境管理法律制度的完善建议。从总体上,要健全和完善外国人入出境法律体系,要在维护国家主权、安全和利益的同时注重保护外国人的合法权益,要加强对外国人的管理,维护外国人入出境管理秩序。并针对外国人入出境行政许可、行政强制、行政救济的具体制度提出修改意见。
[Abstract]:The management of foreigners' entry and exit is an important part of the national administration, which involves national sovereignty, security and interests. It is of great significance to establish the image of our country in the international community and to promote the reform and opening up of our country. However, the legal basis of foreign management work is still insufficient in some aspects, which is not conducive to the administration of foreign management work according to law, and needs to be revised. How to solve the problem requires us to make a thorough and detailed analysis and study of the legal norms of the entry and exit of foreigners from a theoretical point of view, and to clarify the relevant theoretical issues in the management of the entry and exit of foreigners. In the first part, according to the theory of international migration and the laws and regulations of our country, some basic problems of the management system of the entry and exit of foreigners are expounded. The object of entry and exit administration of foreigners refers to ordinary foreigners who have no diplomatic privileges and immunities and do not have any national nationality. The entry and exit of foreigners refer to the entry and exit of foreigners in and out of China. Through the meaning of the management of the entry and exit of foreigners, the nature of the management of the entry and exit of foreigners is obtained, and the legal basis of the management of entry and exit of foreigners is summarized. Analyzing the right of entry and exit of foreigners, which is a basic human right enjoyed by citizens in accordance with the provisions of international conventions, The author puts forward his own views on whether foreigners enjoy the right of request for entry and the right of entry after the approval of the application combined with the theory and practice of international immigration law. This paper discusses the theoretical and practical basis of the establishment of the management system for the entry and exit of foreigners. The second part, through the analysis of the establishment and division of duties and responsibilities of the current public security entry and exit administration agencies, issues the main certificates for the management of foreigners. The rights and obligations of foreigners in the entry and exit activities of our country, the administrative compulsion and administrative relief of the current administration of the entry and exit of foreigners in our country, and the progress of the legislation on the entry and exit management of foreigners in our country have been obtained. At the same time, it also points out the problems existing in the legal norms of the entry and exit management of foreigners. Mainly from three aspects to discuss. The laws and regulations governing the entry and exit of foreigners do not meet the needs of the construction of the administrative and regulatory system of public security, the need to protect the rights and interests of the counterpart, and the need to strengthen the administration of foreigners. Part III, Suggestions on the improvement of the legal system for the entry and exit of foreigners in China. On the whole, it is necessary to improve and perfect the legal system for the entry and exit of foreigners, pay attention to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of foreigners while safeguarding national sovereignty, security and interests, and strengthen the management of foreigners and maintain the order of their entry and exit management. And the specific system of administrative licensing, administrative compulsion and administrative relief for foreigners to propose amendments.
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