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发布时间:2018-06-14 14:46

  本文选题:超期羁押 + 对策 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2004年硕士论文

【摘要】:超期羁押,就是依法对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人采取限制人身自由的强制措施时,羁押时间超出了刑事诉讼法规定的期限。羁押是刑事司法不可或缺的措施,但由于羁押是对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在受到有罪判决之前人身自由的暂时性限制或剥夺,因此,羁押措施的适用必须受到严密的法律控制,而超过法定期限羁押犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的超期羁押行为则构成了对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人身权利的侵害,情节严重的,还可能构成犯罪。但是,在我国,超期羁押却已经成为刑事诉讼进程中的普遍状态,犯罪嫌疑人、被告人一旦被刑事拘留、逮捕就意味着超长时间的羁押的开始。超期羁押在一定程度上从公安司法人员的违法行为转变为一种不断蔓延的现象,且屡禁不止。有鉴于此,本文以我国羁押性强制措施的适用为切入点,分析我国超期羁押的现状,明晰羁押措施的适用及其延长,包括在侦查、审查起诉、审判阶段羁押期限非法延长的具体形式,以考量我国羁押制度的问题和缺陷,旨在寻找超期羁押现象的症结所在和解决之道。本文着重论述了针对超期羁押和我国羁押性强制措施制度所进行的观念和制度建构的设想,同时强调法治原则和现实性的有益结合。 本文分前言、正文与结语三部分。 前言:以1996年刑事诉讼法对刑事强制措施制度的修改为切入点,指出法律条文对强制措施制度法治化的建构本应理顺羁押性措施与非羁押性措施的适用,在保障国家刑罚权实现的同时体现现代法制原则,使得我国刑事羁押制度达到良性运行的效果。但是,司法实践中公安机关久侦不结、检察机关久讼不息、法院久审不决,超期羁押犯罪嫌疑人、被告人已蔓延成一种普遍的现象,并由此引发出对超期羁押现状和中国刑事羁押制度的思考,提出对超期羁押进行观念和制度建构的尝试。 正文共分六部分: WP=54 第一部分,超期羁押的本质。在界定超期羁押含义的基础上对超期羁押进行直观介绍,以说明超期羁押在我国的表现形式。进而指出,形式上违反法律程序的超期羁押行为实质上是对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人身自由权利的侵犯,是一种违法甚至犯罪行为,其非法性至为明显。 第二部分,我国超期羁押的现状。以三个典型案例为切入点,分析羁押性强制措施在刑事诉讼中侦查、审查起诉和审判阶段的具体运行以及我国刑事羁押制度所暴露出的具体问题。详细介绍了刑事拘留、逮捕以及逮捕后羁押的延长程序的实行状态,,包括侦查活动、审查起诉活动和第一审、第二审、死刑复核以及再审等各种审判程序中关于羁押期限及其延长的途径,分析了立法对羁押期限规定的遗漏,力求透过现象看本质,寻找问题的根源。进而指出,不健全的刑事诉讼观念和不无缺陷的我国羁押制度是超期羁押问题的根本症结所在。 第三部分,超期羁押的成因。本文指出,正是落后的刑事诉讼观念和不无缺陷的我国羁押制度造成了超期羁押的久拖不决,并作以详细的说明。首先,具体分析了存在于我国公安司法人员身上的顽固的有罪推定思想、对口供的片面追求和依赖以及重实体、轻程序与打击犯罪优于保护人权的错误思想,然后,在前面介绍我国超期羁押现状的基础上,深入分析我国羁押制度的缺陷。主要表现为刑事诉讼没有将刑事拘留、逮捕与羁押进行严格分离导致羁押适用严重的随意化和随机化;刑事诉讼法没有将羁押期间与诉讼期间进行严格分离,致使羁押期间严重依附于诉讼期间,使得羁押期间的延长完全服务于整个诉讼进程的需要;中国的审前羁押制度中不存在中立司法机构主持进行的司法审查机制,致使羁押的授权、审查和救济具有浓厚的行政色彩,从而丧失了司法诉讼行为的基本品质;中国羁押制度没有贯彻“成比例”或“相适应”原则;中国强制措施体系存在的致命缺陷,使得替代羁押的措施未能发挥应有的效力。在此基础上,指出我国的羁押制度没有有效的司法控制,也没有发育成独立、封闭的程序性裁判系统。 WP=55 第四部分,超期羁押的对策。首先,提出了执法观、调查观、办案观、证明观的转变构想。然后,以英国有关法律规定和司法实践为例,说明西方国家针对警察权加以控制、为嫌疑人提供司法救济的经验,并对西方国家业已建立的旨在对侦查机构的强制性侦查行为进行司法控制的程序性裁判制度进行详细介绍。而后,主张在中国建立一种最低限度的司法审查机制,使得作为国家刑事追诉权的警察权、检察权能够受到有效的司法控制。建议完善现行的羁押性强制措施的适用的突破口是将其改造成一种以诉讼形态作出决定的程序,并赋予受羁押人申请中立司法裁判机构审查、举行公开听审的权利,进而对司法审查程序及其在施行中可能涉及的羁押场所等问题进行具体建构。根据上述研究,指出司法、执法理念的转变和司法审查机制的变革是中国羁押制度法治化的发展方向,也是避免超期羁押现象久盛不绝的根源;但同时,观念的转变和制度的重构需要一个漫长的过程,因此,提出我们需要找到在现有条件下解决超期羁押的行之有效的对策,并从创新工作机制、加强社会监督等方面进行有益的尝试。 结语:对全文进行概括总结,通过阐述整篇文章的论述逻辑和体系,强调超期羁押的严重性和解决超期羁押问题的层次性,强调理想与现实的结合,强调法治精神与
[Abstract]:Overdue detention is the compulsory measure to restrict the personal freedom of the criminal suspect and the defendant in accordance with the law. The time of detention exceeds the time limit stipulated in the criminal procedure law. Detention is an indispensable measure in criminal justice, but the detention is a temporary restriction on the person's personal freedom before the criminal suspect is convicted. Deprivation, therefore, the application of custody measures must be strictly controlled by law, and more than the legal time limit for criminal suspects, and the accused's overdue detention constitutes a violation of the personal rights of the criminal suspect and the defendant. The circumstances are serious and may constitute a crime. However, in our country, the overdue detention has become a criminal complaint. When the criminal suspects and the defendants are detained in criminal proceedings, the arrest will mean the beginning of the prolonged detention. The overdue detention is to a certain extent, to a certain extent, from the illegal acts of the public security and judicial personnel to a continuous spreading phenomenon. It is used as the breakthrough point to analyze the present situation of the overdue detention in China, clarify the application and extension of the measures of detention, including the concrete forms of the illegal extension of the period of detention in the investigation, the examination and prosecution and the trial period, in order to examine the problems and defects of the detention system in our country, and to find the crux and the solution of the overdue detention. This article focuses on the discussion. It also envisages the idea and system construction for overdue detention and the system of custody coercive measures in China. At the same time, it emphasizes the beneficial combination of rule of law and reality.
This article is divided into three parts: the preface, the main body and the conclusion.
Based on the revision of the criminal procedure law on the system of criminal compulsory measures in 1996, it is pointed out that the construction of legal provisions on the rule of law of compulsory measures should be used to rationalize the application of detention measures and non custodial measures, to ensure the realization of the state's penalty right and to reflect the principle of modern legal system, so that the system of criminal detention in China is reached. However, in the judicial practice, the public security organs have long been ignored, the procuratorial organs have long been lawless, the courts have long been judged, the suspects have been overdue, and the defendants have spread into a common phenomenon, and the reasons for the overdue detention and the system of criminal detention in China have been brought up, and the concept and system of overdue detention are put forward. An attempt to construct a degree.
The main body of the text is divided into six parts:
The first part is the essence of overdue detention. On the basis of defining the meaning of overdue detention, it introduces the overdue detention intuitively to illustrate the form of the overdue detention in our country. Furthermore, it is pointed out that the overdue detention in violation of the legal procedure is essentially a violation of the right of the criminal suspect and the defendant. Law even criminal acts, its illegality is most obvious.
The second part is the present situation of the overdue detention in China. Taking the three typical cases as the breakthrough point, the paper analyzes the specific operation of the detention compulsory measures in criminal proceedings, the specific operation of the examination and prosecution and the trial stage, and the specific problems exposed in the criminal detention system in our country. The extension procedures of criminal detention, arrest and arrest are introduced in detail. The state of implementation, including investigation activities, examination and prosecution activities and the first trial, the second instance, the death penalty review and the retrial of various trial procedures on the duration of detention and its extension, analyses the omission of the legislation on the term of detention, striving to see the essence through the phenomenon and finding the root of the problem. The concept of China's detention system is the crux of the problem of extended custody.
The third part is the cause of the overdue detention. This article points out that the backward criminal procedure concept and the ineffective detain system have caused the prolonged detention for a long time, and make a detailed explanation. First, it analyzes the stubborn presumption of guilt and the one-sided pursuit of the confession in the public security and judicial personnel of our country. Depending on and heavy entity, the light procedure and the attack crime are superior to the wrong idea of protecting human rights. Then, on the basis of the introduction of the status of the overdue detention in our country, the defects of the detention system in our country are analyzed in depth. The main manifestation is that the criminal proceedings are not detained in criminal proceedings, and the strict separation of arrest and detention leads to the serious arbitrage of detention. And randomization; the criminal procedure law does not strictly separate the period of custody and the period of the proceedings, resulting in the severe attachment of the detention period to the period of the proceedings, which makes the extension of the detention full service to the needs of the whole proceedings; and there is no judicial review mechanism under the pretrial custody system in China, The authorization, the review and the relief in custody have a strong administrative color, thus the basic quality of the judicial action is lost; the Chinese detention system does not carry out the principle of "proportionate" or "adaption", and the fatal flaw in the system of Chinese coercive measures makes the measures for alternative detention fail to play its due effect. It points out that the detention system in China has no effective judicial control, nor has it developed into an independent, closed procedural referee system.
The fourth part, the Countermeasures of overdue detention. First, it puts forward the concept of law enforcement, the view of investigation, the view of handling cases, and the Transformation Conception of the concept of proof. Then, taking the relevant legal provisions and judicial practice of the UK as an example, it illustrates the experience of the western countries to control the police power and provide judicial relief for the suspects, and the western countries have established the investigative machine. The compulsory investigation is introduced in detail in the judicial control system. Then, it is advocated to establish a minimum judicial review mechanism in China so as to make the procuratorial power of the state as the right of criminal prosecution, and the procuratorial power can be effectively controlled by the judiciary. The breakthrough is to transform it into a procedure to make a decision in the form of litigation, and to grant the detainee to apply for the examination of the neutral judicial referee, to hold the right to open the hearing, and to construct the judicial review procedure and the places of detention that may be involved in its implementation. The change of thinking and the reform of the judicial review mechanism are the development direction of the rule of law in China's detention system, and it is also the root cause to avoid the prolonged detention of overdue detention. At the same time, the transformation of ideas and the reconstruction of the system need a long process. Therefore, it is suggested that we need to find an effective solution to the overdue detention under the existing conditions. Countermeasures, and from the innovative work mechanism, strengthen social supervision and other aspects of a useful attempt.
The conclusion is to summarize the full text, by elaborating the logic and system of the whole article, emphasizing the seriousness of overdue detention and the level of solving the problem of overdue detention, emphasizing the combination of ideal and reality, emphasizing the spirit of the rule of law and the spirit of the rule of law.


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