本文选题:黑龙江消防 + 项目管理 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工程大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 随着经济的迅猛发展,使消防保卫的重点由城市向城乡并重转变。在现有警力条件下,依靠传统的工作方法和手工管理模式已远不能适应新形势和新任务的要求。因此建立完善高效的计算机网络信息系统,已成为客观形势发展的要求。黑龙江省消防总队为适应新的工作形势,从2005年开始,进入信息化建设全面升级改造阶段。本论文围绕此项目,进行信息化建设项目管理的论述。 本论文共分5章。第1章是本论文的绪论,这一部分主要是对论文的写作背景、目的、意义及国内外研究现状的概括和评价,阐述论文的写作思路,指出论文创新之处。第2章为相关理论综述,主要是对该项目的特征及相关理论的介绍。第3章主要围绕项目启动初期各项准备工作展开论述,主要包括项目的背景、承建单位的情况及黑龙江省消防总队网络工程现状;项目的系统分析;项目实施的各项准备工作,包括项目的WBS工作分解结构、项目组织的架构、项目的时间和成本估算等环节。第4章项目的实施过程分成三部分进行阐述。第一,项目的计划制定;第二,针对项目计划如何对项目实现有效的控制;第三,为保证项目的实施效果在组织、团队建设及风险防范上所采取的对策。第5章为项目管理应用创新,围绕在项目实施过程中使用的软件工具进行阐述。 在黑龙江省消防信息网络工程项目中,,通过建立矩阵式项目组织,改进了以往项目实施过程中的组织结构问题;通过挣值分析等一系列项目管理方法的应用,使项目的工期、成本得到有效控制。截至目前为止,投资上千万、建设周期为两年的建设项目已取得了阶段性的进展,各项目标基本完成,实现了消防信息化建设的飞跃。黑龙江省消防信息网络工程项目为黑龙江消防总队应用项目管理理论和方法积累了宝贵的经验,并为今后项目管理水平的提高奠定了基础。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the emphasis of fire protection has changed from city to country. Under the condition of the present police force, relying on the traditional working method and manual management mode can not meet the requirements of the new situation and new tasks. Therefore, the establishment of a perfect and efficient computer network information system has become the requirement of the development of the objective situation. In order to adapt to the new working situation, Heilongjiang Provincial Fire Control team has entered the stage of information construction and comprehensive upgrading since 2005. This paper revolves around this project, carries on the information construction project management elaboration. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of this paper. This part mainly summarizes and evaluates the background, purpose, significance and current research situation at home and abroad, expounds the writing ideas of the thesis, and points out the innovation of the paper. Chapter 2 is a review of relevant theories, mainly about the characteristics of the project and related theories. Chapter 3 mainly focuses on the preparatory work of the initial stage of the project, including the background of the project, the situation of the construction unit and the current situation of the network engineering of Heilongjiang fire brigade, the systematic analysis of the project, and the preparation for the implementation of the project. It includes WBS work breakdown structure, project organization structure, project time and cost estimation, etc. Chapter 4 describes the implementation of the project in three parts. First, the project planning; second, the project plan to achieve effective control; third, in order to ensure the implementation of the project in the organization, team building and risk prevention measures. Chapter 5 is the innovation of project management application, which focuses on the software tools used in the process of project implementation. In the fire information network project of Heilongjiang Province, by establishing matrix project organization, the organizational structure problem in the past project implementation process is improved, and a series of project management methods, such as earned value analysis, are used to make the project time limit. Cost is effectively controlled. Up to now, the construction projects with investment of 10 million and construction cycle of two years have made progress in stages, the goals have been basically completed, and the construction of fire information has been achieved by leaps and bounds. The fire information network project of Heilongjiang Province has accumulated valuable experience for the application of project management theory and method in Heilongjiang fire brigade, and has laid a foundation for the improvement of project management level in the future.
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