[Abstract]:[BACKGROUND] Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most common male sexual dysfunction. Forensic medicine involves the identification of erectile dysfunction in the fields of personal injury, traffic accidents, divorce, rape, medical disputes and so on. Partial evoked potentials and other methods can be used to identify the erectile function of the penis, but in order to further study the mechanism of ED and to explore the possible diagnostic criteria of ED molecular level, animal models must be established. The blood vessel and nerve anatomy are similar to human beings, and the price is the most suitable animal for ED study. Therefore, the rat cavernous nerve injury is an ideal experimental model for ED study. Electric stimulation is a traditional neurorehabilitative therapy that promotes nerve regeneration by promoting the chemotaxis of growth factors and increasing the activity of Schwann cells. Nitric oxide (NO) is the key neurotransmitter in penile erection, which causes erection and nitric oxide synthase by relaxing the smooth muscle cells of the cavernous body. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is the key enzyme for NO synthesis. The detection of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) can reflect the recovery of cavernous nerve function after electrical stimulation, and indirectly reflect the erectile function of penis.
[Objective] To establish a model of bilateral cavernous nerve clamp injury in SD rats, observe the changes of erectile function and nNOS after injury, and observe the recovery of nNOS after percutaneous electrical stimulation regularly and quantitatively. A possible method.
[Materials and Methods] Thirty adult male SD rats were divided into experimental group and control group to establish the neurogenic ED model induced by cavernous nerve injury. 10 rats in group A, 10 rats in group B, 10 rats in group B and 10 normal SD rats in group B were treated without any intervention. Changes of nNOS expression after cavernous nerve injury and nNOS recovery after transcutaneous electrical stimulation.
[Results] The model was successfully established by electrical stimulation, and there was a significant difference between the injured group and the control group. 0 and 7.68 + 1.72, respectively. The normal control group was 180.39 + 3.77 and 8.25 + 1.03. respectively.
There were significant differences in gray scale and absorbance of nNOS-positive nerve fibers between the non-percutaneous electrical stimulation group and the control group (P 0.05). There were significant differences in gray scale and absorbance of nNOS-positive nerve fibers between the non-percutaneous electrical stimulation group and the percutaneous electrical stimulation group (P 0.05).
[Conclusion] The cavernous nerve is located in the posterolateral part of the prostate. The loss of erectile function can be caused by bilateral clamping of the cavernous nerve. Quantity of transcutaneous electrical stimulation can promote the recovery of cavernous nerve function, which can be confirmed by the observation of pelvic nerve erection and can also be reflected by the quantitative changes of nNOS. Basis. In view of the present situation of neurogenic ED caused by a large number of cavernous nerve injuries at home and abroad, it provides an important basis for further study of its pathophysiological mechanism and for finding effective treatment methods.
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