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发布时间:2018-09-06 13:03
【摘要】: 新中国成立伊使,党和人民面临着恢复和发展国民经济的艰巨任务,这就需要有一个稳定良好的社会秩序作为保障。为此,建国初期,党领导人民卓有成效地开展了公安工作。为创建一个安定的社会环境,为国家财政经济状况的根本好转,为巩固新生的人民民主政权都做出了不可磨灭的历史贡献。当年公安工作的许多有益的思想和方法,对于我们今天在改革开放的新环境下,更好地开展公安工作仍有着重要的参考价值。因此本人把《建国初期中国共产党的公安工作研究》作为自己毕业论文的题目。 本文分为三大部分。第一部分通过对建国初期党领导公安工作面临的形势及任务的回顾,让读者对这一时期公安工作的历史背景有一个大致的了解;第二部分是本文的主体部分,将建国初期的公安工作内容概括为四个主要方面,即:一、加强党的领导和监督是公安工作的出发点;二、把群众路线法宝创造性地贯彻运用到公安工作当中;三、创建适合中国国情的公安工作体系;四、将毛泽东建党、建军思想运用到公安队伍建设中。通过对本部分的论述,力求对建国初期党领导公安工作的思想给以较为系统的梳理。第三部分在第二部分系统梳理的基础上,对建国初期党领导公安工作的历史经验进行总结,得出四点现实启示,即:一、必须继续坚持并加强党对公安工作的领导;二、公安工作必须全面贯彻群众路线的方针;三、公安工作必须把加强制度建设作为着力点;四、公安工作必须坚持惩办和教育相结合的方针。
[Abstract]:Since the founding of new China, the Party and people are faced with the arduous task of restoring and developing the national economy, which requires a stable and good social order as a guarantee. Therefore, in the early days of the founding of the people, the party led the people to carry out the work of public security effectively. In order to create a stable social environment, for the fundamental improvement of the state's financial and economic situation, for the consolidation of the new people's democratic regime has made indelible historical contributions. Many useful ideas and methods of public security work at that time still have important reference value for us to carry out public security work better under the new environment of reform and opening up today. Therefore, I regard the Public Security work of the Communist Party of China in the early days of the people's Republic of China as the subject of my graduation thesis. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part gives readers a general understanding of the historical background of the public security work in this period by reviewing the situation and tasks faced by the party leading the public security work in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China; the second part is the main part of this article. The contents of public security work in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China were summarized into four main aspects: first, strengthening the leadership and supervision of the party is the starting point of public security work; second, creatively applying the magic weapon of the mass line to public security work; and third, Fourth, to apply Mao Zedong's thought of party building and army building to the construction of public security forces. Through the discussion of this part, we try to systematically comb the Party's thought of leading the public security work in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China. The third part summarizes the historical experience of the Party in leading the public security work in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China on the basis of the second part, and draws four practical revelations: first, we must continue to uphold and strengthen the Party's leadership over public security work; and second, The public security work must carry out the principle of the mass line in an all-round way; third, the public security work must take strengthening the system construction as the focal point; fourthly, the public security work must adhere to the policy of combining punishment with education.


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