发布时间:2018-12-14 21:19
【摘要】:目的 了解锦州市成年人身体成分分布情况,进一步探讨锦州市成人体成分性别间的差异及成年人体成分随年龄变化的趋势,为科学评价锦州汉族群体的体质状况、合理指导健康的生活方式、寻找与体成分相关疾病的危险因素、预防疾病提供参考依据。 方法 在知情同意的情况下,整体随机抽取锦州市汉族的健康成人作为研究对象,其父母均为汉族,共选取1199人(男为433例,女为766例),应用体成分分析仪,对所有受试者进行身高、体重、BMI、脂肪总量、躯干脂肪量、左上肢脂肪量、左下肢脂肪量、右上肢脂肪量、右下肢脂肪量、肌肉总量、躯干肌肉量、左上肢肌肉量、左下肢肌肉量、右上肢肌肉量、右下肢肌肉量、身体水分、细胞内液、细胞外液、蛋白质含量、骨含量测量。所有结果输入SPSS统计软件包,进行独立样本t检验和方差分析统计学处理。 结果 男性身高、体重、BMI、肌肉总量、躯干肌肉量、四肢肌肉量、身体水分、细胞内液、细胞外液、蛋白质、骨量均高于女性(P0.01),脂肪总量、躯干脂肪量、四肢脂肪量低于女性(P0.01);男性BMI、脂肪总量、各部位脂肪含量随年龄增长,出现两次峰值,分别在40岁年龄组和60岁及以上年龄组,女性BMI、上肢脂肪含量一直在增加,女性下肢脂肪增幅呈现先增高后降低,峰值在50岁年龄组。男女左右上肢肌肉量和躯干肌肉含量呈现先增高后降低,男峰值在40岁年龄组,女峰值在50岁年龄组,女性的增长幅度大于男性。男女左右下肢肌肉量随年龄的增加逐渐下降。男女身体水分呈现先增高后降低,男峰值在30岁年龄组,女峰值在50岁年龄组;细胞外液男性随年龄的增加呈现先增高后降低,峰值在40岁年龄组,女性随年龄呈现一直增长趋势。细胞内液男性随年龄增加一直在降低,而女性呈现先增高后降低的趋势,峰值在40岁年龄组。女性蛋白质含量随年龄变化与男性相似,随年龄的增加逐渐下降;男性骨量随年龄的增加在降低,女性骨量随年龄的增加呈现先增高后降低,峰值在40岁年龄组。 将锦州汉族成人体成分指标与广州汉族、福州汉族进行了对比,结果显示除脂肪总量指标锦州汉族成年女性与福州汉族成年女性没有显著性差异外,其余各项指标均有显著性差异(P0.05)。 结论 1.锦州汉族成人在所测各项指标中,各年龄组除脂肪含量男性低于女性,其他各项指标男性高于女性。 2.锦州汉族成人体成分随年龄的增长发生变化,尤其在40岁年龄组变化明显。 3.锦州汉族成人体成分与福州汉族、广州汉族间存在显著差异。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the distribution of adult body composition in Jinzhou City, and to explore the sex difference of adult body composition and the trend of adult body composition with age in order to evaluate the physical condition of Jinzhou Han nationality population scientifically. To guide the healthy lifestyle, to find the risk factors of diseases related to body composition, and to provide reference for the prevention of diseases. Methods under the condition of informed consent, healthy adults of Han nationality in Jinzhou City were randomly selected as the study objects. The parents of them were Han nationality. A total of 1199 subjects (433 males and 766 females) were selected and analyzed by body composition analyzer. Height, weight, total BMI, fat, trunk fat, left upper limb fat, left lower extremity fat, right upper limb fat, right lower extremity fat, total muscle volume, trunk muscle volume, left upper limb muscle volume, Muscle volume of left lower limb, muscle volume of right upper limb, muscle volume of right lower extremity, body moisture, intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid, protein content, bone content. All the results were inputted into SPSS statistical software package and processed with independent t-test and ANOVA. Results height, weight, total BMI, muscle, trunk muscle, limb muscle, body water, intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid, protein, bone mass were higher in male than in female (P0.01). The fat content of extremities was lower than that of women (P0.01). The total fat content of male BMI, and the fat content of different parts of BMI, increased twice with age. In the age group of 40 years and 60 years old and over, the fat content of upper limb of female BMI, was increasing. The increase of lower extremity fat increased first and then decreased, and the peak value was in the 50-year-old group. The muscle volume and trunk muscle content of the left and right upper limbs of male and female increased first and then decreased. The peak value of male was in the age group of 40 years old, and the peak value of female was in the group of 50 years old. The increase range of female was larger than that of male. The muscle volume of the left and right lower limbs of men and women gradually decreased with the increase of age. The body water content of male and female increased first and then decreased, the peak value of male was in the age group of 30 years old, and the peak value of female was in the age group of 50 years old. The extracellular fluid increased first and then decreased with the increase of age, and the peak value was in the age group of 40 years, and the female showed an increasing trend with age. The intracellular fluid in males decreased with age, while in females, it increased first and then decreased, and the peak value was in the 40-year-old group. The protein content of female was similar to that of male, and decreased gradually with the increase of age, while the bone mass of male decreased with the increase of age, and the bone mass of female increased first and then decreased with the increase of age, and the peak value was in the age group of 40 years old. The indexes of adult body composition of Jinzhou Han nationality were compared with those of Guangzhou Han nationality and Fuzhou Han nationality. The results showed that there was no significant difference in total fat content between the adult female of Jinzhou Han nationality and the adult female of Fuzhou Han nationality. The other indexes were significantly different (P0.05). Conclusion 1. In Jinzhou Han nationality adults, the fat content of male was lower than that of female, and the other indexes of male was higher than that of female. 2. The adult components of Jinzhou Han nationality changed with the increase of age, especially in the 40-year-old group. 3. There were significant differences between Jinzhou Han nationality and Fuzhou Han nationality, Guangzhou Han nationality.
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the distribution of adult body composition in Jinzhou City, and to explore the sex difference of adult body composition and the trend of adult body composition with age in order to evaluate the physical condition of Jinzhou Han nationality population scientifically. To guide the healthy lifestyle, to find the risk factors of diseases related to body composition, and to provide reference for the prevention of diseases. Methods under the condition of informed consent, healthy adults of Han nationality in Jinzhou City were randomly selected as the study objects. The parents of them were Han nationality. A total of 1199 subjects (433 males and 766 females) were selected and analyzed by body composition analyzer. Height, weight, total BMI, fat, trunk fat, left upper limb fat, left lower extremity fat, right upper limb fat, right lower extremity fat, total muscle volume, trunk muscle volume, left upper limb muscle volume, Muscle volume of left lower limb, muscle volume of right upper limb, muscle volume of right lower extremity, body moisture, intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid, protein content, bone content. All the results were inputted into SPSS statistical software package and processed with independent t-test and ANOVA. Results height, weight, total BMI, muscle, trunk muscle, limb muscle, body water, intracellular fluid, extracellular fluid, protein, bone mass were higher in male than in female (P0.01). The fat content of extremities was lower than that of women (P0.01). The total fat content of male BMI, and the fat content of different parts of BMI, increased twice with age. In the age group of 40 years and 60 years old and over, the fat content of upper limb of female BMI, was increasing. The increase of lower extremity fat increased first and then decreased, and the peak value was in the 50-year-old group. The muscle volume and trunk muscle content of the left and right upper limbs of male and female increased first and then decreased. The peak value of male was in the age group of 40 years old, and the peak value of female was in the group of 50 years old. The increase range of female was larger than that of male. The muscle volume of the left and right lower limbs of men and women gradually decreased with the increase of age. The body water content of male and female increased first and then decreased, the peak value of male was in the age group of 30 years old, and the peak value of female was in the age group of 50 years old. The extracellular fluid increased first and then decreased with the increase of age, and the peak value was in the age group of 40 years, and the female showed an increasing trend with age. The intracellular fluid in males decreased with age, while in females, it increased first and then decreased, and the peak value was in the 40-year-old group. The protein content of female was similar to that of male, and decreased gradually with the increase of age, while the bone mass of male decreased with the increase of age, and the bone mass of female increased first and then decreased with the increase of age, and the peak value was in the age group of 40 years old. The indexes of adult body composition of Jinzhou Han nationality were compared with those of Guangzhou Han nationality and Fuzhou Han nationality. The results showed that there was no significant difference in total fat content between the adult female of Jinzhou Han nationality and the adult female of Fuzhou Han nationality. The other indexes were significantly different (P0.05). Conclusion 1. In Jinzhou Han nationality adults, the fat content of male was lower than that of female, and the other indexes of male was higher than that of female. 2. The adult components of Jinzhou Han nationality changed with the increase of age, especially in the 40-year-old group. 3. There were significant differences between Jinzhou Han nationality and Fuzhou Han nationality, Guangzhou Han nationality.
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