发布时间:2018-12-19 14:07
[Abstract]:Due to the imbalance of economic development in various parts of China, especially in the western underdeveloped areas, the government has limited funds to support the army construction. The funds that the army can obtain are far from the actual needs of the army's "three bases" construction, and the contradiction between supply and demand is very prominent. Therefore, how to use the limited financial resources on the blade and improve the efficiency of the use of funds becomes the way to solve the contradiction.
[Abstract]:Due to the imbalance of economic development in various parts of China, especially in the western underdeveloped areas, the government has limited funds to support the army construction. The funds that the army can obtain are far from the actual needs of the army's "three bases" construction, and the contradiction between supply and demand is very prominent. Therefore, how to use the limited financial resources on the blade and improve the efficiency of the use of funds becomes the way to solve the contradiction.
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