[Abstract]:At present, the country's rural economy and society are in the transition period, the various interest relations tend to be complicated, and the social contradiction is in a multi-generation period. As a group event of social contradictions and special features of the conflict, the number is increasing, the scale is also expanding, the expression forms become more intense, and become an important factor to restrict the development of the rural economy and influence the social stability in our country. The continuous development and upgrading of the mass events in the rural areas of our country have exposed the serious defects of the rural group events in the aspects of system construction, system reform and management measures, and put forward a serious challenge to the construction of the legal system in China. The subject of this paper is the study of the legal problem of the mass incident in the rural areas. The purpose of this paper is to use the basic principle and the basic theory of the law to make an empirical analysis and analysis of the legal problems in the rural group events. On the basis of the question, the analysis of the problem and the way of solving the problem, this paper makes a study of the large number of cases in different regions of our country in different times and different regions, from which the case of the typical meaning is selected, and the types of the mass events in the rural areas are analyzed. On the basis of the relevant provisions of the Constitution and the laws of our country and the specific disposal measures, the paper analyzes the defects of the prevention and control of the mass incidents in the rural areas in the aspects of system construction and disposal measures, and puts forward the legal system to improve the prevention and cure of the mass incidents in the rural areas. Based on the above thought, the chapters of this paper The contents of the contents are as follows: The first chapter discusses the concept, nature, type and characteristic of the mass events in the rural areas of China, and analyzes the mass events in the rural areas of China. The legal definition of the part, from the angle of political science and law The nature of the mass events in the rural areas of China. The rural group events in China are summed up as benefit-driven, anti-human rights, power, Competitive, emotional, and letdown. Focus on me. The second chapter is based on the current situation and characteristics of the mass events in the rural areas, and correctly analyzes the new form. The causes and effects of the mass events in the countryside under the potential. This chapter is based on the social reasons and the system Because of the analysis of the cause of the rural mass incident, the paper focuses on the system of the coordination of the rights and interests of the peasants, the mechanism of the expression of the interests of the peasants, and the systematic analysis of the defects of the conflict-adjusting mechanism. On the Institutional Factors of the Rural Group Events in China, and the Analysis of the Group Events in the Countryside The third chapter discusses the treatment system and the disposal measures of the mass events in the rural areas of China, and the research in our country's legal system. Provisions related to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of mass incidents in rural areas On the basis of case analysis as the starting point of the study, the paper discusses how to deal with the mass incident in the rural areas, and focus on the three parties, such as the main body, the disposal content, the disposal program and so on. The limitation and legitimacy of the specific disposal measures are analyzed. The fourth chapter discusses how to improve the legal system of the prevention and cure of the mass incidents in the rural areas. To improve the mechanism of the protection of the interests of the peasants, such as the construction of the democratic legal system in the rural areas, etc. To improve the mechanism of rural conflict adjustment, such as comprehensive treatment, mediation, group litigation, etc., to perfect and perfect the basic legal system and to improve the prevention and treatment of the mass events in the countryside In the aspects of local legislation and so on, the disposal system of the mass incident in the rural areas is improved. The improvement of the disposal measures of the mass incidents in the rural areas includes the perfection of the unary. The method of the method of treatment and disposal of the management of the leading system and the disposal of the content is to improve the construction of the working mechanism to deal with the mass incidents.
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