发布时间:2018-01-26 19:56
本文关键词: 农村老人 机构养老 人口老龄化 养老服务体系 养老模式 养老现实困境 出处:《四川理工学院学报(社会科学版)》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Since 1990s, the aging trend of population in China has been increasing, and the rapid change of population has led to the increase of the proportion of the rural elderly population in the total population of the elderly. At the same time, the family size is miniaturized. Family structure changes and urbanization continue to promote, resulting in the gradual weakening of rural family pension function, which indicates that the demand for rural social pension is expanding. Institutional pension is one of the important contents of social pension. Should have "support" status in the rural social pension service system, but at present there are many problems in the rural institutional pension, mainly for the lack of the number of institutions, service content is single, infrastructure is not perfect. The main reason is that the main reason is that the main body of institutional pension supply is single, the social capital is difficult to integrate, which makes the institutional pension model rigid. The administrative nature is too obvious; The internal development of the organization is not perfect, the medical care, the maintenance, and the ethical care are separated from each other; The institutional admission standards are not clear, the government financial subsidies are not in place, and the institutional pension purchase ability of the elderly is low. It is suggested that the rural institutional pension PPP management model be established on the basis of the existing institutional pension. Form a unified management department to integrate social capital into the rural institutional pension system; The rural public homes for the aged will be entrusted to private pension institutions, forming a trust type of public building private nursing homes, building a pluralistic institutional pension model; Perfecting the internal management mode of the institution, adopting the classification management to the old people, forming the differentiated supply in the rural old-age care institution, and injecting the humanistic care idea; Increase the government financial input, optimize the subsidy method, simplify the subsidy procedure; Establishing uniform institutional access standards; Form relevant laws and supervision mechanisms to strengthen supervision over the operation of institutions and the implementation of financial subsidies.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学社会学院;
【正文快照】: 一、问题提出20世纪90年代起,我国老龄化趋势不断加剧,养老问题成为影响我国社会发展的突出问题,相关数据显示,2015年末我国60岁以上老年人口已经达到2.22亿,占总人口的16.1%,未来20年我国人口老龄化形势将更加严峻[1]。其中农村老龄化问题更为突出,据2013年国务院政策研究办
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