发布时间:2018-01-28 09:28
本文关键词: 人本全球化 微观全球化 跨国界现象 跨文化互动 出处:《探索》2017年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:"Human-oriented globalization" is the human-oriented globalization, which is a generalization of the phenomenon of social contact and communication between people across national boundaries, cultures and time and space in the process of globalization. It is important to understand and strengthen the global interaction between people and its impact on local society. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the global connection of human beings and their transnational social relations on the local society in which they live and their implications for the development of human beings themselves. In order to make the study of globalization return to the category of sociology, and correct the study of globalization too macro bias and "arrogant" blind spot. In order to fill the gap in the research literature on globalization. From the perspective of research, "humanism" is a kind of change involving cross-border behavior, communication, relationship and so on, which puts the perspective on the individual level. And as its research and analysis of the "basic unit", and then summed up a certain cross-border behavior, communication, relations of the general model and common characteristics of the globalization study. From a methodological point of view. "Human-oriented globalization" is a study of the individual in the global system, highlighting and highlighting human activities and the multidimensional, diverse social interaction of people on a global scale. This "individualism" methodology is a new research paradigm that sociologists may adopt in the study of globalization.
【作者单位】: 美国德克萨斯州农工大学社会学系;
【正文快照】: 1引言自2016年以来,全球范围反全球化潮流此起彼伏,特别是美国总统大选中特朗普以反自由贸易以及美墨边境建隔离墙等尖锐言论获得成功并入主白宫,似乎一时间人们普遍认为全球化寸步难行。反观历史,类似特朗普的新保护主义并非史无先例。试图采取保护主义措施来反对全球化的声
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