本文关键词: 建昌县 人口老龄化 农村养老 养老保障 出处:《渤海大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the aging society in China, the problem of the aged has become an important social problem, especially in the rural areas. Through the case study, the countermeasures to solve the problem of the aged in the countryside are put forward. It is of great significance to solve the problem of rural old-age support. Based on the survey data of the present situation of rural old-age support in Jianchang County, this paper analyzes the present situation and causes of rural old-age support. In general, there is a single way of providing for the aged in rural areas. The function of family pension is weakened, the social pension institutions are few, the occupancy rate is low, the consciousness of participating in pension insurance in rural areas is weak, and the causes of the problems are analyzed in combination with the local practice, that is, the old-age concept is old, the children go out to work for a long time, Lack of time to take care of the elderly; low income level of farmers, unable to afford social endowment funds; less public welfare pension institutions of the government; insufficient promotion of filial piety culture, desalination of the concept of supporting parents, etc. Combined with the causes of problems existing in rural old-age care, Put forward the concrete countermeasures to solve the pension problem in Jianchang County, mainly: carry forward the filial piety culture, strengthen the support consciousness; establish the farmer land withdrawal mechanism, exchange the land for the aged; further strengthen and perfect the rural old-age security and insurance system. To realize the full coverage of endowment insurance; to strengthen the construction of rural social pension service system; to realize the integration of urban and rural old-age care; to improve the rural medical service system construction.
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