本文关键词: 失能老人 社区居家 长期照护 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In 1999, China stepped into an aging society. In end of 2010, there were about 33 million disabled and totally disabled elderly people in urban and rural areas in China, accounting for 19.0% of the total elderly population. Ten million eight hundred and forty-three thousand of them were totally disabled. As of end of 2012, the elderly population in China will reach 248 million, and the aging level will reach 17.7 with the increase of the aging level of the population, the number of disabled and semi-disabled elderly people will be huge. The growth rate is accelerating, especially in rural areas. The overall social and economic development in rural areas is relatively backward, coupled with the miniaturization, core and empty nesting trend of rural households. The problems of the development of family and institutional old-age care in rural areas are prominent. As an extremely vulnerable group, the present situation of rural disabled elderly's old-age service is not optimistic, which can effectively meet the long-term care needs of rural disabled old people. Providing high quality long-term care services is the key to effectively cope with the aging of the population and the incapacity of the aged population. In China, the level of economic development lags behind that of developed countries, and the level of social and economic development in rural areas lags behind that in urban areas. Family long-term care burden is heavy, individuals can not afford heavy long-term care costs, the current social security system can not effectively meet the disability, semi-disabled elderly long-term care service needs, family pension and institutional pension problems are prominent. To effectively mobilize the overall social strength, coordinate and organize the government, families, communities, enterprises and so on to participate in the construction of the rural disabled elderly community residential long-term care service system, which is conducive to alleviating the long-term care burden of families and reducing the pressure on the aged. To reduce the cost of providing for the aged, to improve the quality of life of the disabled and semi-disabled, to promote the harmonious progress of the society. Based on the subject of "Analysis of the multiple needs of the disabled elderly in China and the Construction of the Long-term Care Service system", the disabled in rural areas have been incapacitated. The half-disabled elderly and their families, relevant institutions and personnel were investigated, and during the interviews, they grasped detailed first-hand information and made in-depth analysis through technical means. First of all, Through the development predicament and disability of the family old-age care and nursing home in rural areas of our country, the living conditions of the semi-disabled old people and their families, especially the long-term care status, are expounded, and the rural disability is understood from many aspects. The pressure on the long-term care services of the half-disabled elderly and their families. Secondly, draw lessons from and absorb the beneficial theoretical research and successful practical results of other countries in the development of long-term care services in the community. Learning from the relatively rich practical experience accumulated by Chinese cities in the implementation of community home long-term care services, to provide theoretical and practical support for the development of community home long-term care services in China. Based on the data obtained from extensive research and interviews, combined with the actual situation in rural areas in China, the relevant factors affecting the establishment of long-term care service system for the disabled elderly community home in rural areas are analyzed in depth. Finally, based on the analysis of the necessity and feasibility of the establishment of the long-term care service system, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward: giving play to the leading role of the government and strengthening the publicity of public opinion. Only through the establishment of the system and the development of practice, can we guarantee the construction of the long-term care service system of the rural disabled elderly community in our country.
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