本文关键词: 新民主主义社会 社会主义社会 政治 经济 文化 出处:《东北师范大学》2015年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Change the social nature of the new Chinese is a major event Chinese history, is also the process of development of China modern history in a landmark event. Since the founding of new China, the domestic and foreign ideological and theoretical circles on the major historical events have been intense academic debate, both in favor or affirmation, but also denied or questioned these arguments. In history, economics, political science and other fields, especially in the history of the Communist Party of China, China China revolutionary history, modern history, differences of opinion have different areas of the people's Republic of China. In particular, this argument has in fact from a purely academic research level, directly lead to political conflict in practice. The analysis from the historical perspective, the transformation of the social nature of the new Chinese laid the historical foundation Chinese new social system, construct a Chinese socialist construction The history of the premise, there is inevitable logical link between the socialist reform and opening up this transformation and the new period. This issue is not only related to the historical inevitability and legitimacy for the establishment of China's socialist system, related to the ruling Communist Party China the rationality and legitimacy of the problem, but also related to the age of knowledge on socialist political beliefs the people. Therefore, to study the social nature of the new Chinese transformation problem has important theoretical significance and practical value. The transformation of the social nature of the new China mainly refers to China's new democratic society to socialist society, it contains three aspects of social transformation, the transformation of new democratic economy to socialist economy, new democracy the political transition to a socialist politics, the new democratic culture into the socialist culture. At present, the theory of New Democracy Economy into a socialist economy with full and in-depth research, but the new democratic political transition to a socialist political culture, socialist transformation of new democratic culture is insufficient. This paper argues that a great change of social history is the Ministry of economy, politics and culture of the three aspects of the overall structural change in fact, it is economic, systematic and structural changes of politics and culture in three areas, which leads to the overall progress of Chinese social civilization. Therefore, must follow the dialectical materialism and historical materialism, in accordance with the logic of history and logic of development, to change the social nature of the analysis of the history and system considerations. The thesis consists of five parts. The first chapter: the nature of the transition of the new democratic society to socialist society and its transformation tasks. This is the nature of the new Chinese community. The historical premise variable. This chapter is based on expounding the establishment and characteristics of China's new democratic society on the focus on the analysis of the nature of the new democratic society, namely the transitional society, is transformed into socialist society. On this basis, the paper discusses theoretical basis and precondition of transition to socialist society. On the new democracy society during this period of historical transition to socialist society the task of theoretical analysis. The second chapter: the transformation of new democratic economy to socialist economy. This chapter highlights the research of three clues, one is that the new Chinese industrialization construction, stressed the socialist direction of industrialization, to promote industrialization of socialist transformation. Two, focuses on China's non socialist economy (individual agriculture, handicraft industry and individual small traders, the socialism of capitalist industry and Commerce) The three is to realize the transformation. The transformation, elaborated the new democratic economy to socialist economy, for our country to realize industrialization and economic transformation achievements were analyzed. The third chapter: the new democratic political transition to socialist politics. This chapter focuses on the class of new democratic society relationship to socialist social class relations, elaborates three major political system China (the people's Congress system, the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the Communist Party, Chinese ethnic regional autonomy system) the establishment and guarantee of the realization of social transformation, to achieve initial success mechanism and the democratic political construction of the new democratic political transition to socialist politics. The fourth chapter: the transition to the new democratic culture socialist culture. This chapter focuses on ideology of bourgeois and petty bourgeois ideology and criticism of bourgeois idealism The meaning of critical thinking, and the Marx doctrine, the Socialist propaganda education such as historical study, realize the transformation process analysis of new democracy culture to socialist culture, discussed the achievements in the construction of socialist culture. The fifth chapter: the historical evaluation and experience a change in the nature of the new Chinese society. This chapter focuses on the changing nature of the new China mining society the historical and theoretical significance, and shortcomings and deviation in this transition process in the implementation of combing, summarize the historical experience and practical implications of this change.
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