本文选题:医患关系现状 切入点:影响因素 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:2015 was the official year of the 12th Five-Year Plan. In recent years, health care reform has achieved good results. China's medical status quo is largely new, but it was in 2003-2012. A total of 40 cases of malignant violence were reported in the country, and in 2012, a total of 11 cases reached its peak. All of them caused serious consequences such as medical staff dysfunction, disability, death and other serious consequences. It can be seen that the doctor-patient relationship in China is still not optimistic. Therefore, the medical reform in our country must continue to face the difficulties in the light of the achievements achieved. However, the establishment of the policy mechanism of the medical reform needs not only the support of experts and scholars, but also the support of experts and scholars. Chongqing, as a pilot city of urban and rural reform, should be in the forefront of medical reform. To carry on the field visit investigation of the doctors and patients in the hospitals of different levels. According to the current situation of the doctor-patient relationship and the factors affecting the doctor-patient relationship, the scientific and reasonable explanation is obtained. Based on the perspective of government function, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward to provide real information for the new round of public health policy making in the 13th Five-Year Plan, to further improve the doctor-patient relationship, and to establish a harmonious society. Select the inpatient departments and outpatient departments of the major hospitals in the five major functional districts of Chongqing to carry out field investigations. The contents of this investigation include the basic situation of the doctors and patients, the relationship between doctors and patients and their influencing factors. A total of 500 questionnaires were sent out in this survey. Among them, 237 valid questionnaires for medical staff, 13 invalid questionnaires, 212 valid questionnaires for patients and their families, 38 invalid questionnaires. Finally, 449 valid questionnaires were selected, and Excel was used to build the questionnaire. Finally, SPSS19.0 is used to analyze the data. Regression data show that the medical system, the degree of interaction between doctors and patients, the media attention, The perception of trust between doctors and patients has a significant impact on the current situation of doctor-patient relationship between doctors and patients, while medical expenses have no significant impact on the current situation of doctor-patient relationship between doctors and patients. It can be seen that the overall situation of doctor-patient relationship in Chongqing is relatively complete. Other cities in China and in previous years, The doctor-patient situation has improved, but there are also problems that deserve attention. Medical expenses are not the factors that affect the doctor-patient relationship, which is different from many studies. It can be seen that the doctor-patient relationship in Chongqing has its special features. Therefore, in the end of the article, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to establish harmonious doctor-patient relationship in Chongqing.
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