本文选题:西北地区 + 少数民族 ; 参考:《兰州交通大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The popularization of Marxism is an old and new issue. As early as 1938, the sixth Plenary session of the sixth Central Committee of the Party put forward the proposition of "popularization of Marxism." in 2007, the 17th National Congress of the Party put forward the strategic task of popularizing Marxism. The 18th National Congress of the Party further put forward the requirements of promoting the popularization of Marxism in China: "to promote the popularization of Marxism in China, to persistently arm the whole party with the socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics, and to educate the people." In the decisive stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way, in the special period when the reform entered the critical period and in the deep water area, it is of great and far-reaching significance to speed up the process of the popularization of Marxism in the northwest minority areas. Guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong's thought and the theory system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, this paper makes an in-depth study on the popularization of Marxism in the northwest minority areas. The thesis is divided into four parts: the first part: introduction. This paper mainly introduces the background of the research, the research level at home and abroad, the purpose and significance of the topic, as well as the research ideas and methods. The second part: the meaning and significance of Marxism popularization in northwest minority areas. It mainly defines the meaning of the popularization of Marxism, the ethnic minority areas, the northwest minority areas, and the northwestern minority areas. It also expounds the theoretical and practical significance of promoting the popularization of Marxism in the northwest minority areas. The third part: the analysis of the current situation of Marxism popularization in northwest minority areas. On the basis of fully affirming the achievements made in the popularization of Marxism in the ethnic minority areas of northwest China, and through an objective analysis, the paper points out the main problems existing in the popularization of Marxism in the minority areas of the northwest of China. And analyzed the northwest minority nationality area Marxism popularization existence question reason. The fourth part: the way to realize the popularization of Marxism in northwest minority areas. On the basis of discussing the basic principles and methods to promote the popularization of Marxism, and combining with the reality of the minority areas in Northwest China, This paper puts forward the concrete way to realize the popularization of Marxism in our region: strengthening economic construction, laying a material foundation for the popularization of Marxism in the northwest minority areas, strengthening the Party building at the grass-roots level, To consolidate the organizational foundation for the popularization of Marxism in the northwest minority areas; to strengthen the cultural construction and lay a cultural foundation for the popularization of Marxism in the northwest minority areas; and to strengthen the media construction, To broaden the propaganda platform for the popularization of Marxism in the northwest minority areas, to strengthen the construction of the mechanism and to provide the system guarantee for the popularization of Marxism in the northwest minority areas.
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