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发布时间:2018-04-21 10:48

  本文选题:内蒙古 + 农牧区 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Inner Mongolia is the first minority autonomous region and a model autonomous region. While carrying out the central policy, Inner Mongolia actively explores the functions of the local government in the supply of the social old-age security system. Since the beginning of the new century, the economy of Inner Mongolia has developed rapidly and the national growth rate has been the first for many years, but the income of urban and rural residents is still lower than the average level of the whole country, especially the level of old-age security in rural and pastoral areas is low, and the task of enriching the people and strengthening the areas is very arduous. In recent years, the academic circles attach great importance to the research of the government supply of the social old-age security system, focusing on the realistic foundation, the operating mode and the fund management of the social old-age security system under the background of urban and rural planning. Therefore, under this kind of research background, it is very important to study the government supply of the old-age security service in the agricultural and pastoral areas of Inner Mongolia. Due to the particularity of natural geography, cultural customs, lifestyle, economic structure and income in Inner Mongolia's agricultural and pastoral areas, the old-age security in Inner Mongolia's agricultural and pastoral areas is low, and the government has difficulties in providing for the aged. Therefore, whether we can establish the old-age security system suitable for the development of agricultural and pastoral areas is related to the development of pastoral areas in Inner Mongolia, as well as to the national unity and border stability of our country. This paper takes the government supply of old-age security service in Inner Mongolia agricultural and pastoral areas as the research content, expounds the related concepts and theoretical basis, and comprehensively analyzes the present situation of the government supply of the old-age security service in the agricultural and pastoral areas of Inner Mongolia, and the main problems existing in it. As well as the main reasons of the existing problems, drawing on the experience of the old-age security government at home and abroad, this paper puts forward the countermeasures to perfect the government supply of the old-age security services in the agricultural and pastoral areas of Inner Mongolia. First, to increase the financial input of the government in the rural and pastoral areas' old-age security, second, to improve the laws and regulations related to the agricultural and pastoral areas' old-age security services; and third, to continue to explore various forms of rural and pastoral areas' old-age security supply. Fourth, continue to improve the government pension security management system.


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