本文选题:妇女人权 + 联合国 ; 参考:《外交学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As another major subject of all mankind, the protection of women's rights is very necessary, which is a necessary condition to promote the development of human beings and the emancipation of human beings to promote the all-round development of society. However, since man entered the patriarchal society, the status of women has been in a low status, regardless of the East and the West, in every country in the world, women are considered to be subordinate to the patriarchal society, without their independent personality, status and rights. In the ancient Eastern civilization represented by China, women had to obey the bondage of the traditional ethics of "three Congresses and four virtues", that is, they obeyed their fathers before marriage, obeyed their husbands after marriage, and obeyed their sons when they died, and set moral standards for women. All stages of life are subordinate to men and have no voice of their own. In the West, the status of women is also very low, even in the bourgeois revolution for human rights reform period, women's rights have not been included in the scope of human rights. For a long time, women were treated as second-class citizens, unable to enjoy equal rights with men, in unequal social status and excluded from the subject of human rights. However, as the subject of society, women are the creators and successors of human beings. In order to liberate the productive forces of mankind and promote the overall progress of society, it is necessary to liberate women, to enhance their social status, to enable them to truly integrate into all spheres of society, and to enable women to participate in the development of all spheres of society. In order to give play to the strong productive forces of women as the main body of human civilization creation. Real development and progress cannot be achieved without the participation of women in society. With the economic development of the times and the progress of society, the spread of the idea of human rights endowed by nature has promoted the awakening of women's consciousness, and more and more women are aware of the unequal treatment they are being subjected to, Began to pursue their legitimate and equal rights as citizens. The awakening of women's consciousness has promoted the formation and development of the women's movement in the international community. The protection of women's human rights came into the international arena, and the protection of women's human rights came into being all over the world. The United Nations, as the largest international intergovernmental organization in the world, plays an important role in protecting women's human rights. An irreplaceable function. In order to better promote the protection of the human rights of women, the United Nations, in its decades of existence, has adopted a series of corresponding instruments, conventions and declarations for the protection of women's rights, and has established relevant human rights safeguards, To monitor, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the relevant treaties by the member states. This paper mainly discusses the protection of the human rights of women in the United Nations, and discusses the role of the United Nations in the protection of women's human rights, and makes an objective evaluation of the role of the United Nations in the protection of women's human rights.
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