本文选题:居住满意度 + 既有社区 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Our country has entered the aging society, home pension is becoming the main choice of the old-age model. Therefore, governments at all levels continue to promote the provision of home pension services and facilities, optimize the quality of home pension services and facilities, but the development of community pension facilities is still very difficult, there are many problems to be solved. On the basis of systematically combing the research results on the development of home pension service facilities at home and abroad and the living and consumption needs of the elderly and influencing factors, this paper combines the practice and field investigation of the development of home pension services and facilities in Hangzhou. This paper constructs an orderly logit model of residential satisfaction for the elderly in Hangzhou, and empirically tests the effect of home pension service facilities and services on the residential satisfaction of the elderly. Through factor analysis, further research on the current situation and future development of home pension service facilities are proposed. Studies show that older people have a lower degree of satisfaction with living conditions. The residential environment and the property management level of the district have positive influence on the living satisfaction of the elderly. 4) the satisfaction degree of the elderly's home pension service facilities has a significant influence on the residential satisfaction. There is a certain difference in the demand for home care facilities and services for the aged. (6) different age groups. There is a significant difference in the evaluation of the satisfaction degree of the elderly's home old-age service facilities with different income levels. (7) based on the different types of home pension service facilities, there is a significant difference between the two groups. The factors influencing the satisfaction of the elderly family old-age service facilities mainly include leisure and entertainment old-age service facilities, medical and health care old-age service facilities and life support pension service facilities. And leisure and entertainment old-age service facilities and health care old-age service facilities are more basic, the importance of traditional old-age service facilities is more prominent. Finally, the author suggests to focus on ensuring the development of basic family old-age service facilities such as leisure and recreation, medical and health care, and on this basis, to optimize the development of support services for the aged at home, and to increase the community and social parties (such as hospitals, hospitals, hospitals, hospitals, hospitals, hospitals, etc.). The cooperation of the school; giving full play to the property function, improving the community neighborhood environment; setting up the timely monitoring and feedback mechanism for the use of the old-age facilities; properly carrying out the house suitable for aging transformation.
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