本文选题:第三方 + 监测 ; 参考:《南京大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:人类活动被认为是当今全球气温升高的主要原因。《巴黎协定》目标"将全球平均气温较工业化前水平升高控制在2摄氏度之内,并为把升温控制在1.5摄氏度之内而努力"。作为继《京都议定书》之后在联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)下达成的第二份全球减排协定,《巴黎协定》规定各国将以自下而上式的"国家自主贡献"(INDC)的方式参与全球应对气候变化行动,而不再进行自上而下式的温室气体减排量的强制性分配。碳交易作为控制污染的经济手段之一,无疑将在后巴黎协定时期起到重要作用。在各国提交的国家自主贡献中,超过一半国家提及将利用或考虑利用市场交易作为实现减排的手段。清洁发展机制,简称 CDM(Clean Development Mechanism),是《京都议定书》中引入的灵活履约机制之一。核心内容是允许附件1缔约方(即发达国家)与非附件1(即发展中国家)进行项目级的减排量抵消额的转让与获得,在发展中国家实施温室气体减排项目。欧洲碳排放交易体系(EU—ETS)是当今世界上最大的碳排放交易市场。其建立起初是为了满足《京都议定书》要求,帮助其成员国履行减排承诺,获取运用总量交易机制减排温室气体的经验。中国预计将在2017年7月正式开启全国碳市场交易,其市场规模预计是欧盟碳市场的两倍。专家认为,碳排放监测核算/报告/核查体系(MRV)是确保碳市场的有效运行的核心。虽然有关碳核查体系的法规设计在文献中最常被提及,在碳排放监测核算/报告/核查体系中,笔者认为第三方监测核查机构的作用最为关键。对于企业而言,可以获得多少配额,不仅与正常生产经营活动相关,还与核查机构有直接关系。那么,这些核查是否技术上专业、是否态度上正确、是否时间上允许、是都存在使企业获得不合理配额的可能等。针对于对上述情形的担忧,作者在从2016年11月至2017年2月间对12家第三方监测企业进行了采访。通过这些采访,笔者得知了核查工作的实际执行情况和执行细节,填补了有关政策手段规定和实际履约情况之间的空白。由于中国自身的地域、经济、社会客观条件,建立统一的碳市场将会面临许多挑战。如若缺乏统一的管理条例,那么各地区在具体的实施过程中必将出现极大的差异,中国将难以形成有效的市场。实际履约对自愿性质的后巴黎协定环境极为重要。对中国,以及其他考虑建立碳交易体系的国家来说,相关政府部门需要认识到第三方检测在碳市场中的重要性。政府需要为第三方监测定制统一的管理条例,提供法律的保障,让第三方监测在独立的条件下进行。第三方监测企业通过技术监督和确保碳市场的有效运行。
[Abstract]:Human activities are considered to be the main cause of global warming today. The Paris Accord aims to "limit global average temperatures to within 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels and strive to keep them within 1.5 degrees Celsius". As the second global agreement on emission reduction under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change (UNFCCC), following the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement provides for the participation of countries in a bottom-up "nationally owned contribution" manner. The global response to climate change, Instead of the top-down greenhouse gas emissions reduction mandatory allocation. Carbon trading, as one of the economic means to control pollution, will undoubtedly play an important role in the post-Paris era. More than half of the national submissions mentioned the use or consideration of market trading as a means of reducing emissions. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of the flexible implementation mechanisms introduced in the Kyoto Protocol. The core is to allow transfer and acquisition of project-level emission offsets between Annex 1 parties (i.e. developed countries) and non-Annex 1 (i.e. developing countries) parties and to implement greenhouse gas emission reduction projects in developing countries. EU-ETS is the largest carbon trading market in the world. It was originally established to meet the Kyoto Protocol requirements, to help its members meet their emission reduction commitments and to gain experience in using the aggregate trading mechanism to reduce greenhouse gases. China is expected to officially open a national carbon market deal in July 2017, which is expected to be twice the size of the EU carbon market. Experts believe that the carbon emissions monitoring accounting / reporting / verification system (MRV) is central to ensuring the effective functioning of the carbon market. Although the regulatory design of the carbon verification system is most frequently mentioned in the literature, in the carbon emission monitoring accounting / reporting / verification system, the author believes that the role of third-party monitoring and verification bodies is the most critical. For enterprises, how many quotas can be obtained is not only related to normal production and operation activities, but also directly related to verification agencies. Therefore, whether these checks are technically professional, correct in attitude, and allowed in time are all possible for enterprises to obtain unreasonable quotas. In response to concerns about the situation, the authors interviewed 12 third-party monitoring companies between November 2016 and February 2017. Through these interviews, the author learned the actual implementation and implementation details of the verification work, and filled the gap between the relevant policy provisions and actual performance. Due to China's own geographical, economic and social objective conditions, the establishment of a unified carbon market will face many challenges. If there is no uniform regulation, there will be great differences in the concrete implementation process, and it will be difficult for China to form an effective market. Practical compliance is essential to a voluntary post-Paris agreement environment. For China and other countries considering a carbon trading system, authorities need to recognize the importance of third-party testing in the carbon market. The government needs to customize uniform regulations for third-party monitoring and provide legal safeguards for third-party monitoring to be carried out under independent conditions. Third-party monitoring companies through technical supervision and to ensure the effective operation of the carbon market.
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