本文选题:场景理论 + 社区老年文化 ; 参考:《学术交流》2017年10期
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the aging of the population in our country, the demand for spiritual and cultural activities of the elderly is becoming more and more intense, and it is necessary to improve the quality of cultural life of the elderly through the construction of the elderly culture in the community. However, there are a series of problems in the cultural construction of the elderly in the community. The existing research methods and models are difficult to solve. It is necessary to introduce new ideas and models, to change the way of cultural construction, and to highlight the status of cultural values. From the traditional culture and foreign theory to find a solution to the problem. Scene theory advocates that the cultural activities of consumption tendency be regarded as the motive force of community development, advocate the holistic research of scene elements, attract residents to live together by constructing cultural values, and promote the development of urban community. Therefore, from the perspective of scene theory, we can explore the feasibility of the combination of community old age culture construction and scene related thought mode. On the basis of human and cultural values of heaven and earth, this paper regards the construction of community elderly culture as a guide, introduces the theory of scene, mode, elements and values into the study of the construction of community elderly culture, and puts forward the construction strategies for the problems. To provide a new exploration for the elderly culture construction in the community.
【作者单位】: 东北林业大学城乡规划设计研究中心;
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