本文选题:共同价值 + 中国外交 ; 参考:《世界经济与政治》2017年07期
[Abstract]:Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the important concept of "common human values" at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015, marking the first official response from China to the United Nations for the establishment of a common value system. This framework summarizes the value pursuit of Chinese diplomacy in the new period and is the core of the concept guiding the overall situation of Chinese diplomacy. From the source, it combines the traditional essence of Chinese civilization, the development experience of contemporary China and the pursuit of universal political value by people all over the world. It is an important attempt by China to enhance the right of international discourse. It is also a theoretical innovation in keeping with the world trend. The core of human common values is peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom. However, different from the similar ideas advocated by the West, China attaches great importance to the basic position and the primary role of peace and development in the pursuit of all values, and has a profound understanding of the internal relationship between peace and development. Advocating the exchange between countries should adhere to the principle of fairness and justice, in addition to the creation of a just and equal international order, we should also practice the moral principle of morality first, first and then benefit; Emphasizing not only the preservation of democracy and freedom in the countries of the world and their citizens in domestic and international politics, but also the practical provision of material and institutional guarantees for their implementation at all levels. " The common value of mankind "is China's highly refined experience of its own peaceful development, which reflects the direction of progress of human civilization, and will be more and more understood and supported by the whole world."
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所国际战略研究室;
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