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发布时间:2018-07-10 08:35

  本文选题:历史唯物主义视域 + 自媒体 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of new media technology in recent years, the channels of political participation are becoming more and more diversified, and the rapid popularization of self-media platform makes communication between people more convenient. Since the simplicity of media platform operation and freedom of communication, Internet users participate in public policies and public life to achieve "technical empowerment." Internet users' enthusiasm for self-media political participation is unprecedented, but it also exposes some problems that need to be further improved, such as the relatively shallow level of political participation, the apparent irrational and illegitimate phenomenon of participation emotions. Increased utilitarian participation in psychology. The rational political participation of netizens in the media era requires the netizens to have the ability to recognize, evaluate, think and participate in the political information, and also the ability to use the political information to realize their own value and serve the society. Since the media environment, Internet users' rational political participation requires four main aspects: knowledge literacy, ability literacy, legal literacy and moral literacy. From the perspective of historical materialism, we should objectively and rationally understand the issue of rational political participation of netizens in the era of media. We must deal with several aspects of the relationship and strengthen the combination of value guidance of mainstream media and conscious study of netizens. This paper dialectically views the online and offline participation of Internet users, strengthens the construction of network legal system and Internet users' conscious compliance with network laws and regulations, and strengthens the network moral self-discipline consciousness of Internet users. In a word, only the society, the country, the individual netizens and other forces can be coordinated and unified organically, the rational political participation of netizens in the media era can be realized smoothly, and the democratic politics of contemporary China can develop healthily.


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