[Abstract]:Where does the existing world order go? Where is globalization at the present stage? This is the world today, and it is also the two fundamental challenge facing the BRICs cooperation. Can the BRIC cooperation play a key role in maintaining the world order and creating a new world order? Can the BRIC cooperation be Jiao Zhengquan spheroidization and create a meaningful "new development"? Some strategic proposals: the BRICs cooperation should hold a summit on world order and globalization to surpass the current "pragmatic cooperation". In economic and financial, the BRIC "New Development Bank" and "emergency reserve arrangement" are building and running the emerging international finance (development financing) institutions to be "new development" as the goal of the world. The experiment of economic governance. In peace and security, the cooperation of BRICs should be further institutionalized, and become a global security governance experiment aimed at world peace - global coordination.
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