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发布时间:2018-07-17 01:08
[Abstract]:Employment and placement of the disabled is an important means to ensure and improve the livelihood of the disabled, especially in the process of transforming Benxi from a resource-based city dominated by iron and steel and coal to a new ecological and tourist city. Therefore, how to further do the job placement of the disabled in Benxi City, improve the level of employment and resettlement of the disabled, and further improve the service system of employment and placement of persons with disabilities in Benxi has certain practical significance. Through combing the situation of employment and placement of the disabled in Benxi City, based on the relevant theories of employment and placement of the disabled, this paper analyzes that there are few employment posts for the disabled in Benxi City, and that the education and vocational training institutions for the disabled are not perfect. The publicity on the employment and placement of persons with disabilities has also been strengthened, involving many problems in the employment service system for persons with disabilities and their causes, and combining with the experience of employment and placement of persons with disabilities in some parts of the country. Comparative analysis of the basic situation of employment and placement of disabled people in Benxi City. This paper holds that there is room for improvement in promoting the level of employment and placement of persons with disabilities in Benxi City in the following aspects: creating employment posts for persons with disabilities and broadening the channels for training and employment of persons with disabilities in giving play to the leading role of the government. Strengthen the employment placement of persons with disabilities publicity, improve the level of employment services for the disabled, the establishment of a public service system for employment of persons with disabilities, and so on.


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