[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up 30 years ago, China's face has made earth-shaking changes. Compared with the previous ways of online political participation, WeChat has become a popular choice for Internet users to participate in political affairs. The network political participation based on WeChat refers to the legal participation of ordinary Internet users, network opinion leaders and network communities in all public affairs through WeChat in the interest drive, the focus of the society and the response to the call. The advantages of WeChat's political participation include low participation cost, flexible political participation of different subjects, more convenient process of political participation made by voice conversation function, and more extensive influence of political participation by the function of circle of friends. The function of public platform makes the way of political participation more scientific and effective. The shortcomings of WeChat's political participation are that its main body is too single and representative, the interaction between subject and object is too little, the result feedback efficiency of participation is low, and the environmental construction of WeChat's political participation lags behind. Therefore, to promote the healthy development of political participation in WeChat, we need to expand the participation of different age groups, increase the representation, strengthen the positive interaction between the subject and object, and improve the feedback efficiency of the results of political participation in WeChat. It is also necessary to establish and perfect relevant laws and regulations and to cultivate a mature network political culture.
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