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发布时间:2018-08-01 14:19
[Abstract]:After Iran's Islamic Revolution, the United States and Iran have been in a state of hostility. After Iran's nuclear program came to light in 2002, the nuclear issue became the focus of the United States' struggle with Iran. By reviewing and analyzing the Iranian nuclear issue, we find that the essence of the Iranian nuclear issue is the hostile relationship between the United States and Iraq, so the policy of the United States on the Iranian nuclear issue determines the development trend of the Iranian nuclear issue to a certain extent. The Bush administration pursued a tough policy with diplomatic isolation, economic sanctions and military deterrence as the main means on the Iraqi nuclear issue, and refused to negotiate with Iran, leading to a deadlock on the Iranian nuclear issue. As a result, Iran not only did not stop its nuclear program, On the contrary, the path of nuclear possession goes further and further. In view of the difficulties in the Iranian nuclear issue and the need for the US global strategy and the adjustment of the Middle East policy, the Obama administration has made a substantial adjustment to the US nuclear policy in Iraq: recognizing Iran's right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy and avoiding the use of force. At the same time, with the aid of multilateral diplomacy, balance the use of two-track policy. Compared with the Bush administration, the Obama administration is more flexible and pragmatic in the use of various policy instruments, and tends to decide the priorities of various policy instruments according to different circumstances and situations. Therefore, the Obama administration's Iraq nuclear policy shows great volatility, but the core of its policy is consistent, that is, to ease the Iranian nuclear issue through contacts and negotiations, and effectively limit Iran's nuclear capability. The Obama administration's engagement policy has worked well, the latest achievement being the six-nation framework agreement with Iran on the Iranian nuclear program. The framework agreement is the result of mutual compromise and concessions between the United States and Iraq, and reflects the determination and sincerity of the two governments to ease the Iraqi nuclear issue. The conclusion of this agreement has further promoted the positive interaction between the United States and Iraq. At the same time, it also provides useful enlightenment for resolving the Iranian nuclear issue. However, the implementation of the framework agreement still faces many political obstacles and technical difficulties, the most crucial of which is the attitude of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, and the United States Congress. The final conclusion of a comprehensive agreement requires not only sufficient political wisdom and determination between the two governments, More rely on the consent and cooperation of these two forces.


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