[Abstract]:The development of the political party system in Kazakhstan is a dynamic changing process. In the early 1990s, with the reconstruction of the state structure, political parties and social organizations in Kazakhstan sprang up like bamboo shoots. Kazakhstan entered the warring States period of the political party. In the early days of independence, the choice of a state with three separate powers and the establishment of a multi-party political direction all provided an endogenous impetus for the political parties of Kazakhstan to enter Parliament and thus be able to "make a difference" in the political process of the country for 25 years. Kazakhstan has formed a multi-party system under the leadership of the "Light of the Motherland" party. From the perspective of history, the validity and authority of political system is the necessary prerequisite for the normal exertion of national and social life. Taking the political party system of Kazakhstan as the research object, this paper reveals the inherent logic and particularity of the political operation of the political party in Kazakhstan, hoping to make a beneficial attempt for the study of the political party system in Kazakhstan. This paper holds that the party system, as one of the basic contents of the modern national political system, has formed the "Light of the Motherland" mode of "one Party and one Party" under the principle of multi-party system after 25 years of changes in Kazakhstan. The formation of this political party system model can not be separated from the choice of national political system in the early period of independence, but also directly related to Nazarbayev's ruling mode and strategic strategy of Kazakh founder Nazarbayev. Moreover, it is influenced by the differentiation of elite, the game of political interest groups and the development of domestic economy. In the process of democratization in Kazakhstan, although faced with many challenges, such as the low development of the political party system, the tribalism and the threat of Islamic extremism to the secular regime, the political party pattern of "one super soft" has been formed. The alliance of political parties will be the mainstream of the development of political party system in Kazakhstan. The game between political parties and authoritarian politics will promote the development of democracy and will also be an important factor affecting the transfer of power. The evolution of the political party system in Kazakhstan has its unique track, whether it is the institutional inertia of the "birthmark" of the Soviet Union or Nazarbayev's unique strategy. The country has been transformed into the "Light of the Motherland" party power, the declining opposition party pattern. Although this political party pattern is difficult to reverse, it does not mean that the current regime has eradicated the crisis and challenges, and how to alleviate the contradictions and confrontations between the political forces of the government and the opposition. How to ensure the unity of the "Light of the Motherland" party created by Nazarbayev and its leading position in Kazakhstan, and how to complete the peaceful transfer of power in a predictable time are challenging the political situation of Kazakhstan.
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