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发布时间:2018-08-23 10:25
[Abstract]:After the Opium War of 1840, China was forced to put an end to the policy of closing the door to the outside world, opening the door of the country, and from then on began the history of a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society with loss of sovereignty and loss of compensation. However, the Chinese people have never given up resistance, representatives of various social classes have appeared, hoping to save the country in distress, save the people in water and fire, but the result ended in failure. The victory of the October Revolution was a great inspiration to the Chinese people at that time. Under the urgent social demand of "saving the nation from death", advanced intellectuals began to pay attention to Marxism and quickly accepted it as a revolutionary belief. They hope to establish a socialist state like the Soviet Union in China, to truly achieve national independence, proletarian dictatorship, and the people as masters of their own country. In order to realize this vision, early Marxists continued to explore how to combine Marxist theory with the practice of Chinese revolution. If Marxism is to blossom and bear fruit in the ancient land of China, the hard period of running-in is necessary. The early development of Marxism in China is also the mature history of the Communist Party of China. In the course of numerous failures and tribulations, the Communist Party of China realized that Marxism must be localized and nationalized, that is, Chinese. The realization of truth cannot be accomplished overnight, nor will it be smooth. The process of correct cognition is tortuous and complicated. The ideological cognition of Marxism in China comes from summing up the successful experiences and the lessons of failure in different stages of exploration. History has also proved that only through the revolutionary practice of China can the truth provide a correct and beneficial guide for the subsequent Chinese revolution around the theme of "the early development of Marxism in China." The thesis is divided into three parts: first, the related concepts of the early development of Marxism in China and the definition of time. Second, the early development of Marxism in China. Third, the historical experience of the early development of Marxism in China and its contemporary enlightenment. The study of the early development of Marxism in China can help us to clarify the development of Marxism in China, systematically study the theoretical system of Sinicization of Marxism and promote the development of Sinicization of Marxism in today's society. It is of great significance.


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