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发布时间:2018-09-12 09:01
[Abstract]:President Xi Jinping has made it clear that "safeguarding human rights and maintaining stability must not be separated, and the coordination and protection role of the law should be brought into full play." Our country is a big agricultural country, the peasant occupies the high proportion in the total population, the peasant problem is the main source of most problems in the grass-roots society, so the primary maintenance work of the grass-roots government is to safeguard the peasants' basic rights and interests. With the strengthening of the awareness of rights, the desire of farmers to express their own interests becomes stronger. When the normal channels are blocked, farmers have to find ways out of the system to express their demands, which leads to mass incidents. Petition, extreme self-harm and other acts of increased frequency, which to some extent is not conducive to social stability. The protection of farmers' rights and interests and the maintenance of the stability of grass-roots governments complement each other. The protection of peasants' rights is conducive to reducing the factors that undermine social stability, such as mass incidents, while reducing the factors that undermine social stability is a difficult point for grass-roots governments to maintain stability. Farmers' rights protection and the maintenance of stability at the grass-roots level are mutually reinforcing. However, in today's society, the peasants' radical rights protection incidents occur from time to time, and the pressure on the grass-roots governments to maintain stability is enormous. This situation is thought-provoking and is originally a community of interests. But gradually to confrontation, which is caused by the imperfect interactive mechanism between farmers' rights protection and grass-roots government stability, we should build the interactive path between farmers' rights protection and government's stability, and make it develop in the right direction. The paper uses the system analysis method and the case analysis method, on the basis of clarifying the key words such as "maintain stability", "protect rights", "interactive mechanism" and so on. This paper explains the general theory of the interactive mechanism between the stability of grass-roots government and farmers' rights protection from the level of theoretical embedding logic, and then analyzes the three kinds of relations between the stability of grass-roots government and the protection of farmers' rights. On this basis, this paper analyzes the operation mechanism of the interactive mechanism, and taking the Wukan incident as an example, analyzes the current situation of the benign interactive mechanism between the maintenance of stability of the grass-roots government and the farmers' rights protection, and sums up the difficulties encountered by the interactive mechanism at present. Finally, combining with the benign interaction mechanism between the maintenance of grass-roots government and farmers' rights protection at the present stage, this paper constructs the path of benign interaction between the maintenance stability of grass-roots government and farmers' rights protection from six aspects.


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