[Abstract]:Since its founding 50 years ago, ASEAN has experienced many challenges and twists and turns. Although it was not expected at the beginning of its establishment, it succeeded and became a model of East Asian integration. Nowadays, the South China Sea has become an important issue affecting the security of East Asia, especially Southeast Asia, and an obstacle to ASEAN integration. ASEAN has been publicly involved in the South China Sea since the Manila Declaration in 1992. ASEAN members have different positions on the South China Sea issue. The position of member countries is affected by whether they claim in the South China Sea, their geographical location, their alliances with foreign powers, especially their relations with China and the United States, and their relations with ASEAN. The benefits of these differences also account for ASEAN's disagreement after its public involvement in the South China Sea. Member states differ on the depth of the dispute, how to negotiate with China, and the role that ASEAN should play in the South China Sea. Today, ASEAN and China are negotiating a code of conduct in the South China Sea. China is willing to engage in dialogue with ASEAN on the South China Sea, but ASEAN itself has been slow to reach consensus on the issue. In the internal game process of ASEAN member countries, the defects of ASEAN itself affect the whole process of coordination and even enlarge the negative influence of differences. Adherence to consensus limits the negotiation process of ASEAN's South China Sea policy, while loose organizational characteristics constrain its ability to implement. Weak mechanism and weak legalization make ASEAN unable to provide stable and effective information to the outside world. Unlike the previous ASEAN resolution, which was limited to internal implementation, the formulation of resolutions and rules on the South China Sea issue should be implemented together with China, under pressure from a major power outside the organization. It can indirectly be the driving force for ASEAN to improve its mechanism. Through the selective transfer of power, strengthening the construction of mechanism and legal system, enhancing the closeness of various issues, increasing the cost of default within member countries, and promoting ASEAN to move to a deeper level of integration.
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