[Abstract]:Xiamen Mid-Autumn Festival Bo cake custom was not invented by Hong Xu, a subordinate of Zheng Cheng, but evolved from the custom of "number one" or "No. 1 sign" in most parts of the country during the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Bozhouyuan game has a long history and its spread has experienced the evolution process from the elegant interest of the scholar to the activities of the common people's family reunion. In the south of Fujian, the family name moon cakes were replaced by bamboo or bone ones, the ivory chips were made, and the period of the Bo Opera was moved from the Spring Festival to the Mid-Autumn Festival, so that this unique imperial examination cultural custom has been preserved today. This is a typical example of the modern relics of the ancient imperial examination culture. With its uniqueness and special value, it not only provides us with "living fossils" for understanding and studying the social impact of the imperial examination system, but also preserves a kind of entertainment with distinctive Chinese characteristics, and provides a kind of popular entertainment for all ages. The activity of sharing taste and education with pleasure.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学高等教育发展研究中心;
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