[Abstract]:Democracy is a form of state, a form of state. Only democracy can produce productive forces, only democracy can produce social order, and only democracy can promote social harmony. China's rural areas are numerous, covering a vast area, and the peasant population accounts for a very large proportion of the national population. Therefore, the construction of rural grass-roots democratic politics is bound to relate to the democratic political process of the whole country. He is the foundation of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics. The rural grass-roots democracy in China is a democratic political model with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the practice of production and life since the reform and opening up. This democratic political model with Chinese characteristics is an important form of farmers expressing self-management, self-education and self-supervision. It can be said that the construction of rural grassroots democracy is an important part of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics. It is of strategic significance for our country to deepen the reform of political system and promote the system of rural land property right to further improve and develop the rural grass-roots democratic politics. The first part of the paper mainly discusses the meaning of rural grass-roots democracy and its related theoretical basis, what is democracy, what is the standard of Chinese rural grass-roots democracy, Where is the theoretical support of the democratic political practice experience explored by the Communist Party of China to the rural grass-roots democratic political construction in Jilin Province, and what are the main contents and characteristics of the rural grass-roots democratic political construction? The second part mainly discusses the development process and necessity of the rural grass-roots democracy construction in Jilin Province. The construction of rural grass-roots democratic politics is a long-term and complicated project. It is the basis for developing socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics, the key to solving the "three agricultural" problems, and the fundamental guarantee for the long-term stability of the country. As a result, the economic and social development of our country has important significance. The third part mainly discusses the problems and causes of the rural grass-roots democracy construction in Jilin Province. The existing problems involve the weak democratic consciousness of the peasants in Jilin Province, the double identity of the village committee of Jilin Province and contradictions between the two committees, and the imperfection of the law of villagers' autonomy. The main causes of the problems are economic, political and cultural factors. The last part of the paper mainly discusses the countermeasures to solve the rural grassroots democratic political system construction in Jilin Province.
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